
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!



Tour at 17:00

Report from Eldey: Wohoo what a great tour!! Perfect weather, no wind, calm seas and no clouds. That paired with a lot of activity in the bay. Already just a few minutes after leaving the Old Harbour we were met by a pod of 7-8 harbour porpoises that actually stayed around the boat for a few minutes - a highly rare behaviour from this species. Heading out we had to go pretty far until we spotted our next species - a pod of 8 white-beaked dolphins! They were feeding in the area. And while watching them, we encountered another species, a humpback whale. It was milling, so resting, probably after having had a big feed. It fluked numerous times and got super close to the boat. After about 30 minutes with this whale, we encountered a second pod of around 4 white-beaked dolphins. Once time was running short we turned around towards the harbour again. But the tour definitely didn't end there - we encountered 2 feeding minke whales as well as our third pod of at least 5 white-beaked dolphins which were doing some pretty impressive jumping out of the water. To finish off this already incredible tour we got to see a beautiful sunset just as we sailed back into harbour.

- Sabrina Voswinkel

Tour at 13:00

Report from Eldey: It was spitting as we left the harbour, but as time went on during our trip, the sun came out and was positively beaming in our faces - at one point it was so bright it was difficult to see! Not too far out we were greeted by a friendly minke whale that surfaced several times very close to the boat, causing some of our passengers to break out in cheers and applause! We had a few other sightings throughout the tour, but this minke was definitely the star of the trip and we returned (dry) to the harbour with massive smiles on our faces.

-Rachel Pool

Tour at 09:00

Report from Eldey: Rain was our welcoming this morning before we departure to explore the wonders of Faxafloi. Fortunately, as soon as we left the shelter of the harbour, everything improved! We went to one of our main spotting areas hoping for the best and our intuition was proven to be right because we saw from the distance a frenetic seabird activity, so aiming to see some cetaceans we had a nice encounter with 4 white-beaked dolphins which were clearly hunting some fish. In the middle of this moment, we noticed several huge splashes that got our attention so we set our course in the opposite direction of Faxafloi trying to elucidate who was the responsible. When we arrived to the area, we saw more white-beaked dolphins speeding up and giving us nice moments, but just few minutes later we received news from another whale-watching company telling us that there was a huge whale around us. So we kept our eyes open and we were finally able to find the responsible of the previous splashes, it was a humpback whale known (and identified by our researchers) as  Þrostur a common visitor in our bay. When we thought that the day couldn't´t have been better, we had in the way back more white-beaked dolphins bow riding our boat, making the whole day an unbelievable experience. 

-Rodrigo A. Martinez Catalan
Birds seen during our tour: Northern Gannets, Northern Fulmar, Great black-backed gull, Common gull, Black-headed gull, Eider duck , Shag and Cormorant.


We are sailing out from the Old Harbour in Reykjavik today. There is little to no wind in the morning but it might rain during our tours. There could be some movement on the boat out on Faxabay but if you are sensitive to motion sickness we offer preventative tablets in the ticket office, free of charge!