
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!



Tour at 19:00

Report from Elding: The last tour of the day gave us a nice evening light through the clouds in Faxafói. We were sailing out when we spotted a minke whale from the distance. We tried to get a closer look at the animal, we could see it for several times before it went for a deep dive. Then we waited for a while and the individual didn’t show up again so we decided to keep going out. After a while we came across with a group of 5-10 white beaked dolphins. At the beginning they kept the distance but after some minutes they came to checked us out under the boat and the bow, really good encounter with dolphins. 

- Alejandro García

Tour at 17:00

Report from Eldey: Whale watching doesn't get easier than this tour. Perfect conditions, perfect heats, and perfect animals ! It didn't take more than 10 minutes before we were stopped in our sailing by a pod of jumping white-beaked dolphins ! We could approach them without any difficulty, and we were treated by nice sights. Encouraged by this first encounter, we took the decision of quickly move further away and take a chance at finding something else further away. And we were right to do so ! We spotted a blow in the distance, and after a relaxed traveling we could see a humpback whale. It was moving predictably, so it was easy to follow it and have good looks. As we were in a good momentum and as other boats joined us, we left this humpback and wandered more, just to spot another blow, quite a huge one. It was a second and bigger one ! At the same time we also witnessed small water splashes in the distance, another pod of white-beaked dolphins, but we decided to move toward the humpback. It was taking long deep dives so it took us time to get close to it, but in the process we could see on many occasions its impressive fluke. At some point, it began to surface slowly and regularly on the same position, it was resting, maybe it was even sleeping a bit. We stayed a long time with this humpback until we had to take our passengers back on land, which proved to be a really difficult decision. At least, the sun was still here, making the scenery grandiose and warming us to the point that no one was wearing an overall. Living the dream in Faxa Bay !

- Guillaume Calcagni

Tour at 13:00

Report from Eldey: Today was beautifully sunny day with no waves and excellent visibility, perfect spotting conditions. We had to sail out a bit far out in the bay to find cetaceans, but we enjoyed in different bird species and landscape on the way. We saw a minke whale, surfacing 3 times. It was traveling pretty fast but we all had a good look at it. While waiting for minke to surface up again, we spotted a blow of humpback whale in the distance. This individual was diving for long time and when surfacing, would take just one breath before going to deeper dive. This behaviour, together with fish we saw on sonar, indicated it was feeding in deeper layers. We saw it surfacing few times, once very close to the boat, and nicely fluking up every time, so this encounter was really nice. We even had a glimpse of a harbour porpoise, which surfaced few times just next to the boat while we were waiting humpback to surface up.

-Tena Sarcevic 

Tour at 10:00

Report from Elding: Sunny morning in Faxaflói, we sailed out leaving the clouds behind and we were ready to have a nice whale watching time. No further away from the port, about 25 minutes we spotted our fist cetacean, and it turned out to be a humpback whale. We could enjoy this animal for a while looking at the blow and the back of the animal, however we didn´t see the fluke this time. We kept going out and we ended up with a group of white beaked dolphins that were all around the area. They were playing with the waves that some boats made and also they were bow-riding another whale watching boat. We could see different behaviours from them, socializing, interacting with the boat, traveling very fast making a lot of splashes at the surface of the water and even feeding around. It was a very good encounter with the dolphins. The sailed back to the port was very quiet and nice, we had the sun facing us and the wind from behind pushing us, so some of us could have a nice sun bathing during the tour.

- Alejandro García

Tour at 09:00

Report from Eldey: Is this Iceland ? Is this real life ? Anyway, if this is a dream please don't wake me up ! Again today a calm sea and sunny weather, almost all the week ! The operation is simple, nice weather equals nice sailing, we had to face off a little bit of wind and rain at some point but it quickly went away. So our departure was optimistic, and not even 15 minutes after leaving the harbour we saw a humpback whale ! It seemed busy and determinate, as it was taking regular long dives and surfacing shortly, heading to the west. We got few quick looks, then we decided to head further away, hoping to find other species or maybe easier individuals. We had to navigate for one more hour before we heard about other species, and we finally meet a large pod of white-beaked dolphins, about a dozen of them ! We approached very slowly, they were often changing direction, sometime speeding up, what we acknowledge as a potential feeding behaviour. When we finally got close, the sun was lighting them, displaying a hypnotic contrast between their black and white colors. A magnificent sight ! When time was running out, we headed back toward home. There was no more animals to be sighted, but the sun was warming our back for an easy and comfy cruising.

- Guillaume Calcagni


Bird species seen on today's tour include: common guillemot, northern gannet, atlantic puffin, arctic tern, northern fulmar, arctic skua, lesser black-backed gull, great skua, black-legged kittiwake



We are sailing out from the Old Harbour in Reykavik today. It is raining a little but the sun is trying to break out. There could be some movement on the boat out on Faxabay