
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!


Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Tour at 13:00

This afternoon we headed out again. First we spotted a Minke Whale that surfaced several times close to us. At first it didn't spend long time under water and surfaced often but after a while it started spending more and more time under water so we headed on in search for some other whales. Soon we spotted a pod of White-beaked Dolphins. This pod was very playful. Swimming under the boat and surfacing very close to us one of them breached quite often for us and they kept on leaping out of the water again and again, great show they put on for us. On our way back to the harbour we then spotted feeding Gannets there in the distance. We went towards that area and we found another pod of White-beaked Dolphins there but we also found several more Minke Whales and these Minke's were a lot easier to track then the one we had been following before. Great trip and sea contitions were really great once again.


Tour at 09:00

We headed out in calm sea. At first we spotted several Harbour Porpoises and soon we came across a very nice pod of them surfacing many times for us to see them very well. While looking at them we spotted the first Minke Whale. That Minke Whale surfaced many times for us and didn't stay under water for too long. Later on we then found several more Minke Whales, at one point we had at least 4 of them around us. These whales were busy feeding so they spent more time under water and less time above the surface but they came several times very close to the boat.