
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!


Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Tour at 13:00

Report from Hafsúlan: What a tour this was! The fog had cleared up since this morning, so we had beautiful weather and very calm sea. We sailed out Faxaflói and after a little search we saw a pod of White Beaked Dolphins. These dolphins were lovely, coming close at times so we could see clearly the beautiful colouring on their bodies. When we were watching the dolphins we saw in the distance a Minke Whale.  So we sailed on to see the Minke better and when we got closer we found more Minke Whales there, in total in the area we found five Minke Whales! Some we saw closer than others and sometimes we had them surfacing together and even one on each side of the boat. It was so nice to see so many Minkes in the area when we know that they will soon start migrating back to the warmer waters. While we were waiting for the Minkes to surface we could entertain us by watching the Harbour Porpoises that were everywhere on this tour. The last Minke we saw when we were turning around and heading back and we were very happy to see that this whale was our good old friend Peanut! After watching Peanut coming very close to us to say hi we headed back to Reykjavík but we had to make a short detour when we saw jumping dolphins! These dolphins were very playful jumping clear out of the water and when we got closer they swam toward us and swam under the boat! After this very nice last look we were happy to head back to Reykjavík and on our way we enjoyed the calm weather and the beautiful view of Reykjavík.


Tour at 09:00

Report from Hafsúlan: It was a very foggy morning in Reykjavík when we headed out to search for the whales. But once we got little but further out in the bay we saw that we had perfect whale watching visibility and the fog did not reach out of the harbour. We saw a very nice pod of harbour porpoises in the beginning. They were all quite relaxed and some of them were surfacing very close to the boat. After a while we decided to leave them in peace and head further out. It did not take us a very long time to find a minke whale! This minke was surfacing quite often but it was fast swimming so we did not spend a long time with it. We searched in the area for something else. We had quite many fulmars around us and later on we saw diving gannets. We were heading in when we saw the gannets but suddenly another minke whale surfaced close to us. This one was really nice as it was surfacing very close to the boat for few times so all of us could see it very clearly. A lovely morning out on the bay.