
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!




Tour at 20:30

Report from Eldey: Sad about the outcome of todays football match but highly motivated we sailed out into the bay. The sea was much calmer as on the previous tours, so we were really hopefull for this tour. As we reached on of our best sighting spots we kept scanning the area really carefully and we did not wait in vain as a minke whale showed up. We saw it surfacing several times and heading off. As we kept looking we came across a big pod of white-beaked dolphins, probably 10-15 individuals spread over a bigger area. They were really fast but at some point the decided to have a closer look at us, some even leaped out of the water and surfed in the waves. Even though we did not see the midnight sun set, we still had a great tour.

- Sarah Kompatscher

Tour at 14:00

Report from Elding: A lot of our common seen seabird species where our promising company when we reached far out into Faxi's bay this afternoon. And really it did not take long until our first encounter with cetaceans. A few harbour porpoises dared to swim very close to the boat, and as we know them where not easy to see, but rather chose to soon dive away again. Yet another sighting did not miss out and so it came the captain was following a minke whale for quite a while. The amount of seabirds, changes in direction and time under water lead to the suggestion it was feeding. Finally we let it be as our time for this tour was up and we had to sail back home.

-Valentin Witek

Tour at 13:00

Report from Eldey: Sea conditions were a little calmer during our tour this afternoon, compared to the morning. Otherwise, we got the whole package of Icelandic weather: wind, some light rain and also a little bit of sunshine. Due to the strong winds it took some time to reach our usual whale watching areas, but then we came across 2 minke whales. These whales were feeding close to the water surface, hording the fish together. This was very much to the liking of the seabirds, who gladly joined the feast and went for the leftovers, which made it rather easy to follow the whales. We had another look around the area and found 2 more minke whales! While heading back to the harbour we came across another minke whale, but this one only allowed us a short glimpse at it's dorsal fin, before it vanished back into the ocean. Still, it was great to be able to spent some time with these amazing animals.

- Diana Besel

Tour at 10:00

Report from Elding: What a beautiful summer morning out in the bay. We sailed out against some swell direction to our best sighting spots. At some point we crossed our sister-boat Eldey who had just spotted a minke whale in the area, we slowed down and scanned the area very well. Suddenly it appeared really fast and was gone again. We kept on looking as a pod of 6 white-beaked dolphins came in to check us out! They seemed to be really curious, showing off, leaping out of the water and swimming around the boat. After enjoying the presence of the dolphins we spotted a big flock of feeding seabirds and as we approached we saw a feeding minke whale. It was really busy, so did not bother our presence at all and we came even really close to it and could stay with it for some time. Unfortunately we started running out of time and had to head back to the harbour. On our way we met probably the same pod of dolphins from before! What a nice tour!

- Sarah Kompatscher

Tour at 9:00

Report from Eldey: It was exciting morning full of activity. There was still some waves after yesterday storm and our boat was rocking a little bit but captain did his best to keep us stable. Today the most successful way to find cetaceans was to follow sea birds. There was many flocks of sea gulls but also we saw plenty of puffins. With one wave passing by we saw a harbour porpoise just through the water! Under first flock we spotted a minke whale. In fact there was 3 of these whales. It was bit difficult to watch them because to chase their pray they were moving fast but few times we got to have them close to the boat. Suddenly big splashes catch our attention. Looked like one of the whales jumped out couple times but when we get closer we saw nothing. On the way we found one more minke whale which was more relaxed and allowed us to take better look at it. It was challenging today but we succeed!

- Ewa Malinowska

Bird species seen on today's tours include: atlantic puffin, black-legged kittiwake, razorbill, common guillemot, black guillemot, arctic skua, lesser black-backed gull, eider duck, northern gannet

We are sailing out from the Old Harbour in Reykjavik today. There is some wind and swells from yesterday but the forecast predicts less wind as the day goes by. If you are sensitive to motionsickness we do offer sea sickness tablets free of charge at the ticket office. Hope you are able to join us today.