
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!



Tour status at 19:00 CANCELLED

Tour at 17:00

Report from Eldey: Flat seas and slight clouds made whale watching easy, but the whales were scarce. Finally one minke whale showed up and we managed to follow it carefully for a while, saw it coming to the surface another 4 times in a bit of a distance until we lost it. At first it seemed as our next encounter were 3 white beaked dolphins, but then 5 were to surface at the same time. So this is the least amount there was. At the beginning we tried to approach them, then they approached the Eldey and rode on our bow wave. Later the dolphins speeded up a lot to finally reach incredible velocity, showed breathtaking power on the surface when porpoising while slamming the tail fins on the surface over and over again. It was dramatic when gannets almost touched the dolphins backs while they were jumping out of the water, slamming the surface and splashing with water like flying fountains. It is hard to put in words how the immense speed and force of these animals made us feel, but of course we were impressed.

- Valentin Witek

Tour at 14:00

Report from Eldey: We sailed out of the Old Harbour once more and were quite happy because we had both good sea and weather conditions. It took us plenty of time to get too a cool area, but when we did it was treat. We saw dozens of northern gannets plunge diving into the sea in the hunt for fish and beneath them 2-3 minke whales that we had the honor of seeing a dozen meters from the boat for a couple of times. We had to be patient and wait, but in the end it paid off. We had some wild sightings and made some nice memories. On the way back we also saw 2 cool harbour porpoises.

-Lucas Heinrich

Tour at 13:00

Report from Hafsúlan: On this tour, we definitely got to see minke whales! We sailed out from Reykjavik and after a hour we saw our first whale. It was the first of many, as we saw more than 8 minke whales. The first time we stopped because we saw a splash in the area, after patiently waiting we had a brief glimpse of a minke, and after a few minutes we realized there was at least three in the area. The best sighting was when one appeared next to our boat, and kept resurfacing right next to us. It was easy for everybody to see and follow this animal and we could really hear the breath, as it was so close. The last minke whale we saw, was only 15 minutes from the harbor. Minke whales really entertained us on the majority of this tour!

- Mia Rasmussen

Tour at 10:00

Report from Eldey: Oh the dazzling sun that we had this morning! The cruising on the bay was serene and exquisite, and what broke the charm was the first minke whale we spotted. This one  only graced us with 3 surfacing, but it had the benefit of making us eager for some more! We saw white splashes in the distance, it was a jumping white-beaked dolphin, but by the time we got there, they were nowhere to be found. Instead, we encountered another minke whale which stayed much longer with us! As it was displaying a predictible pattern, it was easy to observe the animal. Easy minke under the sun!

- Guillaume Calcagni

Tour at 09:00

Report from Hafsúlan: Today in the morning the weather was surprisingly calm and friendly as there was almost no wind or swell and even the sun was shining. After a while of patient sailing and waiting the excitement grew unto the unbearable, and then finally the whales showed up. Within an area of many seabirds, most of them hunting gannets, the first minke whale, a tiny one, surfaced so close that we almost missed it but after that we came to see it more often. And then there was one after the other, more and more of them. Hard to say how many but there must have been at least 5 minke whales in total on this tour. For a short while we could observe a pod of around five white beaked dolphins before we had to head home.

- Valentin Witek

Bird species seen on today's tours: Atlantic puffin, northern gannet, lesser black-back gull, northern fulmar, common guillemot

As the wind is picking up tonight we have to cancel our evening tour. Please contact our ticket office for rescheduling and further information, +354 5195000 or