
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!


Tuesday, 30 May 2017

Tour at 17.00

Report from Eldey: The wind picked up a little bit compared to the other two tours before but the sea was still pretty calm and the visibility was good at the beginning of the tour. Unfortunately, after about one hour it started raining and did not stop until the end of the tour. Also, we were not blessed with really good sightings on this tour. We spotted 3 different minke whales during our trip but all of them seemed to be rather elusive, only surfaced once or twice, and stayed in some distance to our vessel. Although we had a nice but short encounter with a pod of 6-8 harbour porpoises, we offered complimentary tickets to all our passengers to give them the chance to go on another whale watching tour with us.

-Nicole Koestner


Tour at 13.00

Report from Eldey: The sea was so clam and still, this gave us the perfect opportunity to spot the cetaceans. It was raining a bit but this didn´t bother us. A bit after leaving the harbour the captain spotted the first minke whale more than a kilometer away, as we got closer we got a nice look at it and soon a second minke whale came to the surface. After watching them for a bit we left them but not five minutes later we spotted again a minke whale. Soon another one came really close to us, so we got a very good look at this incredible creature. After leaving these minke one more showed up and even a white-beaked dolphin came by but is seem to have lost his friends because it was all alone. On our way back we got to see one more minke and really quickly 2-3 harbour porpoises poped up. What a tour, seeing all these minkes! This is really something to never forget. 

- Alexandra Bouman

Tour at 9:00

Report from Eldey: A bit of rain couldn´t stop us today. With the wind having calmed down it was a pleasant trip across Faxafloi. We firstly encountered a pod of 3 white-beaked dolphins which was traveling and didn´t spend much time with us. We kept on searching and encountered 2 very elusive minke whales. Because they were avoiding us, we decided to keep searching, only to find a great pod of very playful white-beaked dolphins. Amongst the pod was even a calf and the adults started bow-riding, which was so much fun to watch! Just as we started our return to Reykjavík, we encountered another minke whale that surfaced 4 times very close to the boat. What a finish!

- Sabrina Voswinkel


Birds seen on this trip: Northern Gannet, Atlantic Puffin, Arctic Tern, Cormorant, Black-backed Gull, Northern Fulmar, Arctic Skua, kittiwake,Common guillemot