
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!



Tour at 13:00

Report from Eldey: The sea conditions remained favourable this afternoon for wildlife spotting and it did not take long before we encountered our first cetacean species. A small pod of 4-6  white beaked dolphins were sighted slowly traveling just off Grotta lighthouse and we were able to easily view these animals for some time. Towards the end of our time with the pod, one individual became very lively and started breaching. The dolphin performed 4 or 5 breaches consecutively and then resumed moving away restfully. We decided to continue our search, hoping to find a minke whale in our preferred searching area. Unfortunately we did not find the whales but we saw another small pod of dolphins. The white beaked dolphins were a little bit more energetic as they generated white water as they surfaced which could be seen from some distance. We had the second dolphin experience last for 20-30 minutes with another breaching individual. No whales but great tour nonetheless. 

-Mike Smith

Tour at 09:00

Report from Eldey: Chilly tour this morning, but still calm sea! We had excellent visibility on our way out, so the spotting was easy. The first cetaceans we met were a pod of 4-6 white-beaked dolphins. They were surfacing nicely and slowly,  as if allowing us to have a good look at them. Some even displayed some leaping, out of the water! While following them we also encountered 2 minke whales! They were at first a bit tricky to follow, but with perseverance we could secure satisfying looks. A nice morning in nice company!

- Guillaume Calcagni



We are sailing out from the Old Harbour in Reykjavik today. There is little wind in the morning but the forecast predicts a bit more in the afternoon. Also there will be some rain from time to time. Hope you are able to join us today on our Whale Watching tour.