Tuesday, 5 September 2023
Today all of our Premium Whale watching tours have been cancelled, but we will be sailing out on our lovely vessel Eldey for the 09:00,13:00, and 17:00 Classic Whale Watching tours. Make sure to dress appropriately for the tours as it is always colder on sea than on land.

This is the original whale watching tour from Reykjavík! Join our highly enthusiastic and experienced team in the search for whales, dolphins and birds of Faxaflói bay! Most common wildlife encountered are humpbacks, minkes, dolphins and porpoises.
Report from Eldey: We sailed out today with moderate well and grey seas. The boat moved a fair bit and we had a few green faces about, we tried to help them as much as we could supplying free sea sickness tablets and handing out tea. After about 40min of sailing we came across an elusive minke whale. This individual was more on the shy side and didn't stick with us for long, so we decided to head further out. As we did we were joined by a very active pod of 9 white beaked dolphins! This was a very curious and active pod, swimming closely to the boat and all around us so everyone on each side could see. We stayed with them for a bit as they were also bow riding and swimming in our wake. We eventually headed on as we did not want to overstay our welcome and stress the animals. We went further into Faxafloi and then spotted 3 more minke whales! Two of which came very close to the boat and 2 were a bit more on the shy side. It was amazing seeing these animals so close! We stayed until time ran out and then headed back to the mainland.
- Lasse "The freshest" Roggenkamp
Report from Eldey: This afternoon we returned once more to Faxafloi. The winds had picked up and the white caps increased in numbers a little bit but we didn't let that stop us. After about an hour of sailing we spotted some dorsal fins on the horizon. It was 2 white beaked dolphins! At first they were a bit tricky to see but then they started jumping completely out the water and doing flips at the same time. This was amazing as we could al get to see their gorgeous pattern which you normally can only see if they come very close. Then we got distracted by a minke whale at our 9 o' clock. This whale popped up a few times, each time very close and then both species vanished at the same time. We hovered a bit to see if they would return but then continued on ourselves. As we did we saw 2 harbour porpoises very briefly directly in-front of us. Then - a blow in the distance! We made our way over to see what this mystery animal could be. Then again on the horizon, three blows and then a large black back - it was a HUMPBACK WHALE! We were all very excited to see a humpback as they had disappeared for a bit! This was a bit of an elusive individual but eventually we got very close and managed to have a good look. What an amazing ending to the tour. We stayed a little bit longer so we could take it all in and then eventually making it back into the direction of Reykjavik.
- Anna Richter
Birds seen today include:
Northern fulmar, Northern gannet, manx and sooty shearwater, eider ducks, Atlantic puffin, herring gull, black backed gull, black legged kittiwake