
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!


Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Tour at 1300

We started in to the absolute calm Faxaflói Bay in a beautiful sunshine and just a little bit more wind than we had this morning. We could see both peninsular and the glacier far out in the bay. After we sailed for a bit into this calm and beautiful bay we came in an area with a lot of Harbor Porpoises but as soon as we stopped the engine they became illusive, so we decided just to sail slowly and to have a look at them while searching for a bigger species. This was the right decision as we found a Minke Whale far out in the bay. This one was really great, slow travelling it surfaced many many times close to the boat and we heard the loud blows again and again. Maybe it was even resting a technique when the whales are turning off one half of their brain, while the other half keeps on thinking about surfacing. After we spend a long time with this great Minke Whale, we found a second one even further out in the bay. We saw it for a few times until we got a call from another boat that there are White Beaked Dolphins in an area towards Reykjavík. We headed straight forward towards this area but unfortunately the dolphins weren't there anymore. But still this was a great afternoon in the bay!!!


Tour at 0900

Just a few minutes after the older harbor we stopped again at Akurey the Puffin Island, to see if there are already more of those cute birds. And there were a lot of them around, that keeps us looking forward to a hopefully good Puffin summer. After we passed the Island we headed a bit out into the bay until we encountered a pod of Harbour Porpoises. We stayed with them for a bit, before we started to search again. We found two Minke Whales in a different area which were both really difficult to spot. One of them we knew since last year, its name is LIKE SMILE and we saw it last June and July. As they were both difficult we went on with our search and found a third one that we saw much better. We stayed with it again until we were out of time and headed back towards Reykjavík. But on the way back we could not believe our eyes, when we spotted a pod of White Beaked Dolphins!!! WOW, great to see them again after quite a while!!! They stayed really close to our boat and even dived under us, jumping dolphins on the way back not more than ten meters away!!! We did not expect that but this was a great and a fantastic tour in a brilliant weather!