
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!



Tours at 13:00

Report from Eldey: We sailed out of the Old Harbour for the second time today and we had some sun to accompany us into our adventure. We sailed about an hour before we saw some fins slashing the waves. Soon enough we were surrounded by a pod of 6-8 white-beaked dolphins. They played around the boat and we were able to see their large torpedo shaped bodies underneath the surface. It was a nice afternoon that we spent with these sentient mammals and we enjoyed every second of it.

-Lucas Heinrich

Tour at 9:00

Report from Eldey: What a lovely morning we had! Wind was blowing from the East bringing sulfuric scent to the city so we were more than glad to be able to leave this bad smell  behind. Sea was calm and quiet. For the first 30 minutes nothing was going on, not even a single bird flying by. Luckily it soon turned over and we saw big flock of mixed birds and underneath them al least 3 minke whales. One of them was acting very calm around the boat, swimming just metres away. It's not every day when we had opportunity to see this whales from so close. There were also harbour porpoises swimming by, we saw maybe 5 of them. Later on we found 2 more minke whales and as a cherry on the top pod of 6 white beaked dolphins. 

- Ewa Malinowska

Bird seen today include: northern gannet, black-legged kittiwake, common guillemot, eider duck, northern fulmar