
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!



Tour at 13:00

Report from Eldey: On our second tour of the day we were greeted with slightly better weather than compared to the morning tour. There was almost no rain and at the end of the tour, the sun came even out to warm our faces. However, the wind kept changing throughout so it was rather cold up on the top deck. Nevertheless, we truly enjoyed the ever changing appearance of the landscape, of the mountain range of Esja in particular. We spent three hours searching for any signs of cetaceans, but were not meant to be lucky today. Even though there were many, many northern fulmars around, the food in the bay was probably just not appealing enough for the whales, dolphins and porpoises of Faxa bay today. Therefore we offered our passengers complimentary tickets to try again with us for free within the next two years.

- Barbara Neubarth

Tour at 09:00
Report from Eldey: It was a slightly chilly morning on sailing out into the bay, once passing Grotta the wind grew significantly, but the nice red overalls kept us lovely and warm. After searching for sometime a few harbour porpoises popped up out into the rain. These three individuals surfaced a few times before heading down for a deeper dive. After leaving these individuals to move out further into the bay a few more porpoises were spotted playing around in the waves. On heading back to harbour a small pod of 3-4 white-beaked dolphins popped up and came very close being only 15 meters away at times. They surfaced a few times but unfortunately they were not surfacing very often and time was running out so we had to leave these wonderful animals and start heading back. As we were unable to spend a decent amount of time watching these beautiful animals complimentary tickets were offered to all our passenger allowing them to come back on another one of our tours again for free to get a better look at the amazing cetaceans Iceland has to offer!

- Tess Hudson

Bird Species seen on todays tours: red throated diver, european shag, cormorant, common guillemot, northern fulmar, northern gannet, icelandic gull, glacous gull, lesser black-backed gull, kittiwake & eider duck.