
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!



Tour status: RUNNING

Tour at 17:00

Report from Eldey: This day has been a long constant sunshine, and we couldn't be more grateful for it! The two previous tours have been filled with nice  encounters, we were also grateful for that but also craving for some more! So West we went again and although it required patience and constant alertness, we did see no less than 5 minkes whales feeding. The encounter was made more dramatic by the numerous northern gannets diving down everywhere around us. And to finish on a nice touch, there was a splendid sunset behind us when we reached the harbour.

- Guillaume Calcagni

Tour at 13:00

Report from Eldey: This one was one of those tours where everything was Just Right. We sailed out on calm seas, with beautiful weather and excellent visibility. We hung around maybe 10 or more minke whales for almost an hour. They were all over the place. Surfacing as close as 20 meters from our vessel. We saw them feed and while doing so cause quite a commotion. There were white splashes everywhere; from the whales and from the northern gannets. At one point we saw the pink belly of a minke whales which was rolling on the surface. The cutest part was the appearance of a miniature minke whale baby which was only 3 meters long, but surprisingly not escorted by it's mother. This was a tour on which was impossible to remain indifferent to the beauty of nature.

-Lucas Heinrich

Tour from 09:00

Report from Eldey: It seems like the beginning of winter has better weather to offer then the entire summer! We sailed out with no wind towards west on flat seas, lots of fishing boats being in the area was looking promising for abundance of fish and therefore cetaceans. And it was like the captain would have pressed a button to get the show started: first we had 2 pods of white-beaked dolphins, a total of 8 individuals who were cruising around our boat, even passing underneath and leaping out on the other side. We stayed with them for quite some time and started observing minke whales in further distance around us. As the dolphins disappeared we moved on to the whales, one being really tiny, others bigger, some more shy others more interested in us. A total of probably 13 individuals were in the area, so everyone got a good impression of the minke whales! Towards the end we encountered again the dolphins who were this time a little bit more active, even jumping out of the water! But then we really needed to head back as we were running out of time, encountering the minkes again and even a pod of 4 harbour porpoises swimming calmly next to our boat! The rainbow on this tour was the cherry on top!

- Sarah Kompatscher

Birds seen on todays tour: common guillemot, northern fulmar, northern gannet, black-legged kittiwake, cormorant, Arctic tern

We are sailing from the Old Harbour in Reykjavík today. Sea conditions are favorable.