
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!



Tour status: RUNNING

Tour at 17:00

Report from Eldey: We set out for the evening tour during really calm and even sunny weather. While searching for the humpback whales, that we saw on our tours earlier today, a group of 3 white-beaked dolphins crossed our path. The animals were rather sociable, staying nearby the boat and also passing right underneath it. During this time we also spotted a minke whale nearby. After some very enjoyable minutes with the dolphins and a few glimpses of the minke whale, we decided to resume our search for the humpback whales. This was interrupted by 2 other minke whales, passing right in front of the boat. We saw them surfacing again a couple of times around the boat, before we went on our way. Near the end of the tour another group of 4 white-beaked dolphins came along for a visit and these individuals came close to the boat as well, so you could even follow their path below the water surface. On the way back to the harbour we also got to see 2 harbour porpoises surrounded by a group of seabirds, which was a nice way to finish the tour.

- Diana Besel

Tour 14:00

Report from Hafsúlan: The weather on the tour was a bit overcast, with sun and rain at the same time. We got lucky early on the tour and found 15 white beaked dolphins. It was impressive seeing so many dolphins swimming together, and in the distance we also saw minke whales. We saw about 10 minke whales on this tour, but it was a different kind of whale that stole the show today, as we saw 2 humpback whales. The humpbacks swam together and appeared a few meters away from the boat. They seemed very calm and they moved very slowly -  easy for everybody to follow and even see them moving underwater. On the way home we also spotted 4-5 harbor porpoises. A lot of cetaceans on this trip, and I'm sure our guest wont forget the sight of the two humpbacks appearing close to the boat, anytime soon!

- Mia Rasmussen

Tour at  13:00

Report from Eldey: After the spectacular previous tour onboard our vessel, this one did not disapoint! The weather kept mostly dry with soft winds, while we only had to deal with a bit of a light rain at some point. First sightings happen close to the harbour where 2 harbour porpoises pop up a few times. As usual we did not stick around and continued searching for another species thought the area. Soon after we spotted a minke whale and followed it for a while and meanwhile a group of white-beaked dolphins (around 10 individuals) just showed up as well and later on another minke whale joined the party. So, for some long minutes Eldey was surrounded by wildlife! We had the opportunity to spend some considerate time with the animals and then, as we heard of the presence of a humpback not so far away, we went for it. Once we found it this experience could not have turned better, as there was not one, but 2 humpback whales!  They were quite active and presented quite a show while flapping its flippers and rolling over and eventually appearing quite close to our vessel. As our time was up we had to leave, but our way to the harbour was not less interesting, as it was also gifted with a few sightings of harbour porpoises and minke whales. Another whale watching trip to remember!

- Ines Cunha

Tour at 10:00

Report from Hafsúlan:  We departed from the Old Harbour of Reykjavik with calm sea state in front of us and lots of good energy. It didn‘t take us more than 4 miles until we saw the first treat of the tour. 20 white-beaked dolphins were interacting with the boat in a very cheerful manner. Bow-riding, porpoising and throwing their entire body out of the water. We turned of the engines and enjoyed the silence and the company of the animals. Everyone on board including the captain was taking videos of this encounter, which is quite a rare sight. This was not it for this tour because several miles ahead we stumbled upon an adult humpback whale which was very calmly rolling around, laid on it‘s back and slapped it‘s enormous flippers against the surface, which made a very loud banging sound. We got to hang around it some more and had the chance of seeing the fluke tail as it dove down to the depth. Marvelous.

-Lucas Heinrich

Tour at 9:00

Report from Eldey: We had Icelandic weather today, what's mean that every now and then we got some rain or sunshine. It was cold and wet morning with some wind but overalls kept us warm. It was very special tour with 4 species seen! First few harbour porpoises were confusing our passengers who thought that they were dolphins. Real dolphins appeared bit later: pod of 15-10 white-beaked dolphins were on it's breakfast hunt followed by arctic terns. Dolphins were spread in the area so it wasn't easy to follow them but some individual came very close to the boat and were even bow ridding. Next we went for further search. Blow and flock of birds in the distance was next clue where to go. It was a minke whale, and when we were watching minke surfacing close to us, just few meter away a humpback whale came up! We saw a tail of a humpback and whale went for long dive but when it came back amazing show started: twice breached, few times tail slapped and for more than 20 min whale was rolling on surface waving to us with it's long flippers. It was breathtaking! We will try to identify this individual of humpback later and updated diary with it's name. 

- Ewa Malinowska 

Birds seen on todays tour include: northern gannet, Atlantic puffin, razorbill, northern fulmar, Arctic tern, common guillemot, black legged kittiwake, Arctic skua, lesser black-backed gull

We are sailing out from the Old Harbour in Reykjavik today. Sea conditions are are favorable but there could always be some movement on the boat and we do have free seasickness tablets at the office. Hope you are able to join us on our search for these magnificent animals in their natural environment.