
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!




Report from Elding: This evening started off with a bit more northerly wind than earlier in the day. But everyone prepared themselves, getting into our warm overalls, and off we went into the bay. We got to experience quite some waves during the tour, and after almost 2 hours of search, we approached an area with a lot of fish underneath our boat, and where we also had very succesful sightings a few days ago. However, the whale-gods were not with us on this tour and the animals we were looking for did not show themselves to us. So we enjoyed the sunset on the sail back into the harbour and are hoping for more luck on the next tour. Our passengers, of course, were offered the chance to come onto another tour with us in the future without any charge.


Report from Eldey: The weather had become overcast and the northernly winds had picked up some speed. We got ourselves ready to stay outside and.sailed out to try to find some animals. We sailed in a few different areas where we did have success on our previous tours, but unfortunately it was quite challenging and despite our best efforts we were unable to find any cetaceans on this tour. We gave our passengers complimentary tickets. allowing them to come back on another tour for free. Hopefully better luck next time!

-Kristín Viðja


Report from Elding: Of course the weather changed and now it wasn't as sunny as on the first tour on this boat. We sailed out from the harbour and looked for the animals the usual hour before we saw two minke whales from a bit of a distance. We were easily distracted from the sighting when our captain spotted a pod of 5-8 white-beaked dolphins. The animals were in a great mood and played around our boat, leaped out of the water and even did some bow riding. It was fantastic to see them from so up close... just next to the boat, sometimes under it. Another fine adventure for the archives of whale watching with Elding, on Elding.

-Lucas Heinrich


Report from Eldey: The sea calmed down a bit through the course of our tour. The mist falling over our surrounding landscape enhanced their beauty and mystery. As we headed off the harbour we went straight to the area where we had our sightings in the previous tour. Once we arrived to this spot, it did not take long to have our first encounter with a sea giant. We kept ourselves busy for about one hour as we were circling around an area where we could find around 4 or 5 minke whales! These animals were foraging and sometimes resurfaced quite close to our vessel. These lovely creatures tend to be more of a loners, but it is frequent to find a bunch of them feeding in the same area. Another great tour with Elding!

- Inês Cunha


Report from Elding: Although northerly winds ae not always our favourite, as they are so chilly, we like them when they blow away the clouds like they did today. The sea had calmed down a lot since the last two days and sunshine was our companion the entire tour. We sailed out towards Akraness at the beginning and from there changed our course towards the east, finally spotting the blow of a minke whale just lingering above the water surface for a fraction of a second. As we reached this spot, we were surprised that by the end of our more than half an hour there we did not see just one, but 5 minke whales!! There was plenty of fish on all levels so they were probably having a feast. What a great tour, beng surrounded by these animals and watching them in their natural habitat.

- Sabrina Voswinkel


Report from Eldey: The weather was quite nice, we had some sunshine and it wasn't too windy. We sailed out in search for some animals, and after a while we found a flock of northern gannets diving into the water and feeding on some fish underneath the surface. We decided to take a look at this area and found a pod of about 3-5 harbour porpoises. After a while we went a little further up north where we found 3-4 minke whales feeding! It was a beautiful encounter and well worth the wait!

-Kristín Viðja

Birds seen on todays tours include: Atlantic puffin, arcitc skua, arctic tern, northern gannet, northern fulmar, eider duck, black-legged kittiwake, lesser black-backed gull, common guillemot.

We are sailing from the Old Harbour in Reykjavík today, the wind is suppose to pick up as the day goes on, so if you are prone to getting sea sick, we do have sea sickness tablets available free of charge at the office and on board. Make sure to dress warmly and make use of our warm overalls as it is always colder on sea than on land. For more information contact us by email or by phone +354 519 5000.