
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!


Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Tour at 13:00

Report from Hafsulan: Its the second tour in the year 2013 with not the nicest of weathers but we chased the blue skies so it only rained on us a little while but it wasn´t a heavy rain so we didn´t get too wet and for those whom wanted to wear an overall it was nothing. It was quite a long tour today at we wanted to check out the area around Garður (end of the Reykjanes penisula) as there was a few fishing boats there (maybe lots of fish) and we also wanted to check out a new area. On the way we got to see a pod of 3-4 White-beaked Dolphins which were resting and thus not so sociable but it was nice to watch them nonetheless. We left these after a while in the hope of finding other cetaceans but there was no more to be seen. On the way back to Reykjavík which was dark at that time we got to see the beautifully lit up Capital City, one of the best places to see Reykjavik at its best is on the sea. Lets hope soon the weather will clear up and whales will start showing themselves until then Elding wishes everyone a magical New Year.