
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!


Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Tour at 17:00

This evening, we decided to start in hafnarfjordur, but end our tour in Reykjavik since we would cross a very promising area on our way. We were happy to see that the wind had calmed down a bit and were also taking advantage of having the wind coming from behind us on the way to Reykjavik. After about 40 minutes of sailing, a group of Northern Gannets caught our attention. They seemed to forage for food and were diving for fish here and there - was that a good sign for cetaceans being around? Obviously it was! Only seconds later, we were very pleased to see a Minke Whale surfacing only 50 meters from our boat. We were able to follow it for a while and also the crew was very excited to see this first whale of the day! As we continued, we found at least two more Minke Whales close by and enjoyed them thoroughly. Minutes later, some of us even got to see a glimpse of a Harbour Porpoise in the rough sea! What a happy end for this rather difficult whale watching day. Close to Reykjavik, we drove by the iland engey to see whether a few Atlantic Puffins were still there. We were once more happy to see some of them sitting in front of their borrows, obviously having some unfinished business on this tiny island :). The 5 pm turned out to be the best tour of this stormy day and eventually brought us some - I think well deserved - peace of mind.

- Hendrik Schultz

Tour at 14:00

Unfortunately, this tour was cancelled due to unfavourable weather conditions.

Tour at 13:00

Report from hafsúlan: This afternoon, we headed out from hafnarfjordur's harbour due to rough weather conditions. Sadly, even though we tried hard, we were not able to find our passenegrs any cetaceans. However, we were happy to at least see some Northern Gannets flying around and diving for fish. Since all whales remained elusive, we gave out complementary tickets once more on this rough day and hope to see everyone again on a nice day within the next two years.

- Hendrik Schultz

Tour at 10:00

Report from Elding: This morning we sailed out onto Faxa bay in rain and strong winds. The sea was quite rough too but we headed out with high hopes towards our main whale watching area. For all three hours we searched a very large area of the bay but the results were disapointing. Despite our best efforts and the efforts of the passengers all we didn´t spot any cetaceans on the tour today. This is most likely because of the lack of food in the areas that we searched and the whales having moved to areas more abundant in foodstuffs. So at the end of the tour we gave all of our passengers complimentary tickets and I hope they´ll join us again for another and hopefully better tour.

-Ívar Elí Sveinsson

Tour at 09:00

Report from Hafsúlan: In the morning, the sea was quite rough and it was raining heavily as we headed out to faxa bay. Being further out, sea conditions turned out to be much worse than expected so we decided to search shelter in another harbour (hafnarfjordur) close to Reykjavik. We scanned the sea very throughly all throughout the tour, but in contrast to some "leftover" Atlantic Puffins and quite impressive Northern Gannets as well as other interesting seabirds, unfortunately all cetaceans remained elusive. We gave out complementary tickets that are valid for two years and hope our passengers will have the chance to come back on another day with better weather and better luck finding whales.

- Hendrik Schultz

Birds seen on today's tours: Northern Gannets, Razor Bills, Common Guillemots, Iceland Gulls, Atlantic Puffins, Nurthern Fulmars, Manx Shearwaters