Wednesday, 25 October 2023

Wednesday, 25 October 2023

Today we will be operating on Þruma RIB for our 10:00  and 14:00 Premium Whale tour and on our lovely vessel Eldey for the 09:00 and 13:00  Classic Whale Watching tours. Make sure to dress appropriately for the tours as it is always colder on sea than on land.

  • CLASSIC WHALE TOUR | 9:00, 13:00
  • PREMIUM WHALE TOUR | 10:00,14:00


Report from Eldey: The sea was windless and super flat as we started our sail out. No one used overalls during this tour, the lack of wind made for a great comfort even outside for our 3 hour morning ride. After some time we heard of some animals around : it was a pod of white beaked dolphins ! This pod was quite big, about 10 to 15 that was socializing around us. These dolphins were quite friendly and we could see them for quite some times, coming at times very close to our boats. We even got lucky enough to see a few jumping in the distance making huge splashes. After at least a good 20 to 30 minutes with the dolphins we started our sail back toward the harbour. At the very end, a few minutes before reaching the harbour a few of us, especially people that had stayed outside, managed to notice a pod of about 5 harbour porpoises fairly calm on the water surface ! 

- Mélanie Magnan


Report from Eldey: It was still very flat as we started our sail this afternoonk, allowing us to see very far away making spotting animals much easier. After a good amount of sailing we ended in an area where we noticed fins of white beaked dolphins ! There was at least a good 15 of them spread around in the area but very active on the surface. We stayed in this pod for some time, enjoying the sight of different behaviors before we sailed away from that pod to explore a bit more the area. We took a circle in the bay, exploring around for maybe more lucky sights. After some time we started to head back toward the harbour, and on the way back we saw another pod of white beaked dolphins that was we believe the same as the previous one. As we arrived in the area the dolphins started to jump ! We could see a few of these crazy jumps from quite close before we made our way back to the harbour.

- Anna Richter

bird species seen today include:

Northern gannet, black legged kittiwake, eider duck, great cormorant, sooty shearwater, northern fulmar