
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!




Tour at 17:00

Report from Eldey: The weather was beautiful tonight! The tour began with a sighting of a humpback whale. The blow from this whale was so powerful it was easy to spot it from a great distance. After a nice moment with the humpback whale we decided to go further out. Soon we spotted a minke whale in front of us close to a flock of birds. There must have been at least 3 minke whales in this area, and all of them seemed to be feeding. The sea was smooth enough for us to turn off the engines, and enjoy the nature in silence. It was such a peaceful moment, we listened to the sounds of nature, of the birds and whales. Right before we got to harbour we found a pod of 10 white beaked dolphins It surprised us to find these animals so close to land, but it gave an opportunity to take a photo of dolphins with the famous buildings Perlan and Hallgrímskirkja in the background. It was such a perfect way to end a great day out at sea!

-Sigurlaug Sigurðardóttir

Tour at 13:00

Report from Eldey: Holy Molly YES! We had an incredible weather today! The sun was shining bright and warm, the wind and the swell diminished, and staying outside without an overall was even bearable! That's more like summer! And our luck didn't stop here, barely 40 minutes after leaving the harbour we went back to the same area we where the tour before, and things got CRAZY! Soon we were surrounded by 4 minke whales and a pod of about 10 white-beaked dolphins, all feeding in the same area! We spent the first minutes watching the dolphins that ceased their feeding activity for a moment and seemed to pose for our pictures. They eventually resumed feeding so we left them alone and approached two of the minkes got treated with close encounters. After we got our fill of minke sightings, we went back to see the dolphins and then explored more the bay. We didn't find any other species or more individuals, but we got to sail with the wind in our back  and enjoyed the sun on the outside deck before returning home.

- Guillaume Calcagni

Tour at 9:00

Report form Eldey: The smooth sea looked promising on this beautiful morning. The wind had slowed down from the last days and the sun started glimpsing through the clouds as we set sail. Over the entire tour we encountered lots of different seabirds, observed them hunting and resting on the water surface but no cetacean in sight. Still we sailed further out as suddenly a pot of harbour porpoises crossed our path, probably 6 individuals. Unfortunately they were really elusive as it is in their nature and we just kept going. It didn't take us long going on, to spot the first minke whale. Everyone got really excited as we spotted another and one more, probably 6 individuals all in all, 3 of them being really close. At one moment one even jumped slightly out of the water straight in front of us. As we moved on after some time, we encountered a big pod of white-beaked dolphins, probably 10 individuals, putting on a real nice show for us. If this would not be enough, we encountered another pod of harbour porpoises (6-8 individuals), this once being less elusive, on our way back to the harbour. In the meantime the sun was fully shining making it a perfect day out in the bay, summer is here!

- Sarah Kompatscher

Bird species seen on today's tours include: black legged kittiwake, northern fulmar, Atlantic puffin, northern gannet, skua, lesser black-backed gull, black guillemot, common guillemot, arctic skua, manx sherwater.

We are running from the Old Harbour in Reykjavik today. We can expect there to be movement on the boat out on Faxabay. If you are sensitive to motion sickness we do offer seasickness tablets, free of charge, at the ticket office. Hope you will be able to join us today.