
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!



✔ TOUR ON SCHEDULE  20:30 Report from Hafsúlan: Finally the sun was crawling out between the clouds, when we started heading out into the bay. On the way out we already spotted a pod of around 5 harbour porpoises, but these animals disappeared almost as quickly as they showed up. After searching a little bit longer we spotted a pod of 6 white-beaked dolphins surfacing in the distance. When we got closer, we got distracted by a minke whale, lunge feeding and surfacing a few more times after that. However, the animal disappeared, so we turned back to the dolphins and got a closer look at these animals, surfacing just next to the boat. Another pod of 3 white-beaked dolphins started jumping in the distance, so we went to see these animals up close. They gave us a very impressive show and also swam close to our boat. In the meantime the sun had sunk very low over the horizon and we could enjoy a magnificent red sunset over Faxaflói bay. When starting to head back to the harbour another minke whale surfaced just in front of us, which was a nice way to end this tour. We could enjoy beautiful views of Reykjavìk with the lights sparkling in the city on the way back as well.

- Diana Besel


Report from Eldey: Shortly after we left the harbour we saw a harbour porpoise popping up a few times. Due to their illusive nature we never stop the boat to see these little cetaceans. Later on we found a pod of around 7 or 8 white beaked dolphins. As we kept track of them we ran into another pod of around 10 or 12 of the same species. The dolphins were so comfortable around us that we were able to stay with them for quite a long time. These 2 pods ended up fusing into one, so at a certain moment we were surrounded by around 20 white beaked dolphins! On our way back to the harbour all our passengers were cracking a smile!

- Inês Cunha


Report from Hafsúlan: With the calm of the winds clouds were lingering around the horizon on this afternoons trip, giving our surrounding landscape a mysterious look. We sailed to where we had seen the plentiful minkes and birds earlier on, but they had dispersed. Searching on, it was after nearly 1 1/2 hours that we encountered an area with 2 minke whales that seemed to be skimming around for the food spread out there as they were not moving or surfacing with any certain pattern. So it started out a bit challenging for us but then, as on our previous tour, suddenly they began feeding amongst flocks of birds, being joined by a third minke, and became very predictable so we could all not only watch them but even listen to them as they came close up to our boat. Successful tour number two for our crew today!

- Kristin Vidja


Report from Eldey: The stable weather and sea conditions continued and so did our luck with the whales. We sailed for the usual hour before we spotted a black back on the horizon. Moving in closer we realized it was a minke whale. This individual was so relaxed that it allowed us to glide next to it for a long time, it holding a steady course. We took some nice pics and spent a calm part of the afternoon with this individual. A beautiful encounter for the first timers and crew alike.

-Lucas Heinrich


Report from Hafsúlan: Wow, just as we sailed out the wind absolutely calmed down and we had very smooth conditions. This was one of those tours where patience was really rewarded!! We spotted a minke whale about 10 miles out from the harbour but it was being very quick and elusive, making it hard to follow. We left it to follow another minke whale, but also this one was extremely hard to predict. There were many feeding birds but the whales were not with them... Until we reached another flock of birds and there we saw not one, not two, but 6 minke whales!!! It was a crazy feeding frenzy. Even Humpie, one of our well known minke whales was amongst them. This was so great, we turned off the engines, listenend to the whales exhale when they surfaced and the birds calling in excitement over the food. This was absolutely worth the wait!!!

- Sabrina Voswinkel


Report from Eldey: The weather was quite promising this morning and most certainly guaranteed a very comfortable ride. During this tour our passengers were able to observe 3 minke whales lunge feeding really close to our vessel. Since this sighting took place in an area packed with bird activity, it was also a 2 for 1 for our bird lovers! On our way back to the harbour with had a glance of a pod of around 4 or 5 white beaked dolphins. This time we were not able to stay for long, as our dolphins were showing signs of avoidance and so, as a responsible whale watching company, we decided to give them some space. Cetaceans have different moods, just like us, and depending to whatever they are up to, sometimes they are quite curious about us, sometimes they simply don’t feel like enjoying our presence and we simply have to respect that.

- Inês Cunha

We are sailing from the Old Harbour in Reykjavík today. It is pretty windy on the bay so if you are prone to getting sea sick, we do have sea sickness tablets available free of charge at the office and on board. Make sure to dress warmly and make use of our warm overalls as it is always colder on sea than on land. For more information contact us by email or by phone +354 519 5000.