
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!



Tour Status : RUNNING

Tour at 17:00

Report from Eldey: Another summer day at the bay. We started the tour by enjoying a very cheerfull group of 6 or 7 white-beaked dolphins that were delivering a hell of a show. They were not only very acrobatic, as they were unceasingly breaching and jumping, they were also quite inquisitive towards our vessel. Needless to say they were melting all the passenger’s hearts. As the animals seemed quite relaxed by the presence of the boat, it was possible to stay for a long period of time. After we decided it was time to leave them, as we were searching the area for other species we ran into another pod of 5 or 6 white-beaked dolphins. This group was not so sociable so we only stayed for a while. Closer to the final point of our tour we spotted a minke whale! Even though this one was playing a bit hard to get, it was possible to have a close look at it for a few times. Finilly we started running out of time and started heading back towards the harbor. A perfect way to finish the day!

- Ines Cunha

Tour at 13:00

Report from Eldey: We had an amazing sunny afternoon. Very soon we realized that it will be a good tour as sky was full of northern gannets and their presence is always related to waters full of fish. Our first cetaceans were white-beaked dolphins. Pod of around 20 animals was very active, jumping and swimming fast, interacting with our boat by swimming right by our sides. Same time we had many gannets diving around us so it´s likely that dolphins were getting ready for a hunt. Also we saw there a minke whale. Later on we went to check different areas and we saw 2 more minkes. 

- Ewa Malinowska

Tour at 09:00

Report from Eldey: What a beautiful sunny day! I knew we were off on a good start. We had a bit movement from the sea, but nothing that would distract us too much from our goal. An hour into the sailing and we saw our fist cetacean. A minke whale was surfacing off our starboard side. Soon after we were noticing them all over the place and even had some of them coming up to the surface 25 meters from our bow. After an amazing time with about 4-5 minke whales we encountered a pod of 5-7 white-beaked dolphins. They came close to the boat and were also bow-riding. During all of this there were dozens of northern gannets plunging into the water to get the tasty fish. Such a picturesque morning with these lovely marine creatures.

-Lucas Heinrich

Birds species seen today include: northern fulmar, northern gannets, common guillemot, black backed gull

We are sailing from the Old Harbour in Reykjavík today, the weather today is good, and sea conditions are favorable, there might always be some movement out on the boat and if you are prone to getting seasick, we do have seasickness tablets free of charge. It might be little rain but a calm sea. so be sure to make use of our warm overalls! For more information contact us by email or by phone +354 519 5000