
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!


Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Tour at 17:00

Report from Hafsúlan: The wind got stronger when we sailed out this evening and the sea was very rough. The first stop was Lundey, the Puffin Island. Fortunately we saw some Puffins and stayed there a few minutes. We searched for a long time as suddenly a Minke Whale surfaced behind the boat. We saw it only twice and it was gone so we gave our passengers complimentary tickets valid for 2 years so they could come back on another tour with us for free.

-Lisa Hofmann

Tour at 14:00:

Report from Elding: As we headed out this afternoon the wind had picked up and the waves were getting bigger. We started our tour in Engey where we saw some atlantic puffins. After about an hour of sailing we saw a big flock of Northern Gannets that were plunging in to the water, feeding on the fish. We stopped for a while to enjoy this magnificent sight. All of a sudden a Minke Whale surfaced right next to us. This was a very big individual and it surfaced often around the boat. Beautiful to look at the Minke surface with the Gannets diving around it. An amazing tour although some of our passengers got seasick.

-Aldís Erna Pálsdóttir

Tour at 13:00

Report from Hafsúlan: It was very windy when we started our tour this afternoon. We decided to take the Puffin Island on the way back and headed straight out into the bay. Even though we searched for a long time in a large area we didn´t even spot one animal. The bay seemed to be totally empty even the sea birds were missing. Akurey the Puffin Island seemed to be rather abandoned we only saw a few Puffins flying around. It was a bumpy ride but many brave passengers were with me outside, facing the strong wind. We gave our passengers complimentary tickets valid for 2 years so they could come on another tour with us for free.

-Lisa Hofmann

Tour at 10:00:

Report from Elding: As we headed out from Reykjavík this morning it was rather windy. We started our tour in Engey where we saw a lot of puffins on the island and on the sea around it and some even flew very close to our boat. Then we headed out in search of whales. After about an hour we spotted a Minke Whale. It surfaced 3-4 times before going down for a deep dive. Unfortunately we didn't see it again. We continued searching this area where there was a lot of birdlife but we didn't see any more whales. Because of the poor sightings we gave our passengers complimentary tickets that are good for another tour with us for the next two years.

-Aldís Erna Pálsdóttir

Tour at 09:00

Report from Hafsúlan and Skrúður: It was quite a challenging morning, the sea´s were quite choppy but still ok but it was the minke whales that were proving difficult. They were surfacing just once or twice and then disappearing. Our skrúður boat had the best luck on this morning tour as we got to see two different Minke Whales a couple of times but it was always a bit of a distance away. There was also a couple of White-beaked Dolphins and Hafsúlan got the best look at those even though it was only a short time. There were loads of birds around which was really cool, shearwaters, skuas, puffin and lots more as stated below. It could have been a better tour but it was still nice to be out on the ocean.

- Megan Whittaker

Birds seen on todays tour includes, lesser black backed gulls, gannets, fulmars, black guillemot, common guillemots, puffins, razorbills, arctic skuas, manx shearwaters, arctic terns, kittiwakes.