
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!



Status 9:00 and 13:00 Tour: RUNNING FROM ANOTHER HARBOUR

Tour at 13:00

Report from Eldey: Holy molly what an excursion! Same than this morning, we sailed in a bit rough sea but with a gorgeous sun, and it did no take long before we spotted our first animals. 10 minutes after departure we found 2 humpback whales swimming side by side. These individuals were surfacing regularly and allowed us to have close looks. They even approached within 10 meters from the boat while we were completely stopped! This was an excellent encounter with curious whales. But the tour got even better when we saw smaller blows in the distance, followed by tall dark dorsal fins. We dashed to the spot straight away and had a brilliant time with 3-4 orcas! At first we were following one female, and after a while we switched to a male with a huge dorsal fin. As the male was following the same direction than our boat, a younger male and a female joined him, making 3 killer whales surfacing slowly and close to us. Close and long encounters with both humpbacks and orcas, it doesn't get more magical than that! 

- Guillaume Calcagni

Tour at 9:00

Report from Eldey: It's just another awesome day in Grindavik. Looks like spring under bright sun but feels more like winter with refreshing cold wind. Just after leaving harbour we saw huge flock of northern gannets plunge diving what's always spectacular to watch. Few minutes later on the horizont we spotted huge blow, and not one but few. After getting to the area we saw 3 humpback whales. This huge animals were traveling slowly side by side, surfacing in almost perfect synchronization. Thanks to some waves which were pushing whales to the surface we had opportunity to saw almost all their bodies. At first whales made circle around our boat and later were cruising with constant speed in one direction and we could easly following them. Two of the whales regulary were showing tails but without going for deep dives so we didn't need to wait long till we saw them again. We spend quite long time enjoying presence of this majestic animals till satisfied we went back to the harbour. 

- Ewa Malinowska 

We will be sailing out from GRINDAVÍK today at 9:00 and 13:00 ​since we know of the Capelin coming in and we have been having good sightings there recently. A bus will be ready and waiting for passengers here in the Old Harbour and drive off to Grindavík at the scheduled departure time. But this will resault to a 5 hour tour that will affect combo tours. After the tour we will return to Reykjavík by bus again. For more information please contact us by email or by phone +354 519 5000.