
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!


Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Tour at 13:00

Report from Hafsúlan: There was almost no cloud on the sky and only a soft breeze was blowing when we headed out to Flaxafloí Bay this afternoon. Similar to the morning tour we were fortunate enough to spot a couple of Harbour Porpoises early on. Two different Minke Whales emerged far out at shore simultaneously on opposite sites of the boat, but as close as 30m from the vessel heading in different directions. However, both went for extended dives, thus seeming more focused on traveling, rather than spending time people watching. We investigated some flocks of diving Gannets next and again discovered 3-4 Harbour Porpoises in their midst. Later on, we got word of a small pot (3-4) White-beaked Dolphins and got some real close encounters with these Cetaceans. Soon enough we had to leave the dolphins and headed back to Reykajavik.

-Tumi and Dominik


Tour at 09:00

Report from Hafsúlan: We sailed out in the bay with the best conditions you can ask for, mirror calm sea, blue skies and a strong sun. It wasn´t long, about 20-25 minutes from the harbour we spotted about 3-4 Harbour Porpoises which were just milling around. It was further out that we saw the larger species. First a Minke Whale, but he/she was just surfacing once then going on a long dive. Then we head of a small pod of White-beaked Dolphins. There was about 4 individuals which were, like the minke, very easy going but very difficult to approach. In the end we had to stay more of a distance to enjoy them surfacing the best. After a while longer we caught a glimpse of another Minke Whale, again very unpredictable with its surfacing but after a long of patience we found ourselves in an area of 2 minke whales (not surfacing at the same time), 2-3 white beaked Dolphins and harbour porpoises intermittently popping up. All in all, we must have seen 15-20 porpoises throughout the. Time was running out for the tour so we had to give up waiting for the minke and then it surfaced about 4 times just 30-40 meters from us. A wonderful ending to a wonderful tour.

-Dominik and Megan

Birds seen on today tour include: Northern Gannet, Northern Fulmar, Arctic Tern, Atlantic Puffin, Guillemot, Eider Duck, Black-Backed Gull, Kittiwake, Phalaropes, Razorbills, Arctic Skua.