
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!




Report from Elding: There was no change in the weather since the morning tour - it was still cloudy and wavy. As we had troubles in finding whales at previous departure we decided to search in different area. There were more birds feeding around thus we become to hope for good sighting. Under one of flocks we found a minke whale. Animal was so involved with feeding that we managed to took a look at it only twice. We kept going and finally after long search we saw a blow. It was a humpback whale. I have never seen humpback swimming as fast as this one did, thus it was rather difficult to follow this individual. As it was heading out of the bay we had to quit this encounter to sail back home. On the way to Reykjavik we found one more humpback whale that even jumped in distance but we were already late 30min so we could spent only few minutes with this individual. At the end it was a difficult tour. We did see whales but only from distance and also sea conditions were far from perfect. Taking in account all those circumstances we decided to offer complimentary tickets so our passengers are welcome to come again.

- Ewa Malinowska


Report from Elding: This morning we had to sail through a little bit more choppy seas than we were used to last days. It was cloudy and colder - one of those days that doesn't feel like summer at all. Good that we are always prepared for all kinds of weather and we could put overalls on. Search for whales was also more difficult. Despite rich birdlife cetaceans were hard to be found. We saw some blows but once at the spot. whales didn´t want to show themselves. At one point during our long search, out of nowhere a humpback whale surfaced next to our boat. Unfortunately animal went directly for long dive and we saw it only once more. On the way we passed by really big flocks of northern gannets which normally are seen in company of whales or dolphins. Unfortunately, we weren´t more lucky this morning. As sightings were below our expectations all of our morning guests were offered a complimentary ticket to join us for another trip in near future. 

- Ewa Malinowska 

Bird species seen today include: atlantic puffin, arctic tern, northern gannet, black legged kittiwake, northern fulmar, arctic skua, manx shearwater, common guillemot

We're sailing out today, hopefully plenty of wildlife on the bay today. For more information please contact our ticket office, +354 5195000 or