Wednesday, 8 November 2023

Wednesday, 8 November 2023

Today we will be operating on our lovely vessel Eldey for the 09:00 and 13:00  Classic Whale Watching tours. Make sure to dress appropriately for the tours as it is always colder on sea than on land.

  • CLASSIC WHALE TOUR | 9:00; 13:00


Report from Eldey: Ropes out and away we go into the first tour of the day! With an amazing sunrise on our backs and a little bit of wind we went on to try to spot some marine mammals in the bay. Not too long into our misson, we found a blow that kept coming up and then we saw a fluke, it was a humpback whale that did a deep dive. This specimen was being quite erratic and never doing the same pattern as we tried to follow it very carefully. The whale didn´t want to cooperate so we did another scan around the area. We found some flocks of birds feeding on food at the surface of the water but unfortunattely nothing popped up. We went back to the harbour cold but happy to see the big animal that is the humpback.

- Anna Richter


Report from Eldey: What an absolutely fantastic tour in the afternoon. Before departure, a little birdie told us there was a humpback whale not far our from the harbour. We now had to decide if we wanted to risk finding this whale but then having less time further out or going further out but then not knowing what we would find. In the end we decided to take the risk and headed towards Videy. Not even 20min later we spotted a blow, and after close inspection could tell that this humpback whale was none other than Flak! An individual that spent the Winter with us last year. This is quite a nice whale and came quite close always showing its fluke when it went down. As there were quite a few boats, we headed on after a bit and then spotted a minke whale! Unlike a lot of minkes, this one came up so often barely staying down! Very unusual for a minke whale. We stayed together but then wanted other boats to have a chance too and turned around again. We saw Flak again and then decided to try our luck further out in the bay. However (!) we didn't even make it that far. Every time we wanted to go further out, we spotted another whale and in the end saw 2 more humpback whales, making it a total of 3 for this tour. In the end we did not have enough time to sail further out as we would always be interrupted by cetaceans! It was a marvellous tour and a perfect way to spend an afternoon. 

- Pedro Teixeira

bird species encountered today:

eider duck, common guillemot, razorbill, Northern fulmar, great cormorant, European shag, black legged kittiwake, black backed gull, herring gull, glaucous gull, sooty shearwater