Wednesday, 9 September 2009

Tour at 13:00

The whales moved again further out and we had to search for a longer time. But we got rewarded by the sightings of many feeding minke whales!!! We spotted whales wherever we looked and we spent much time just sailing slowly around from minke whale to minke whale. It was not so deep in that area therefore the whales surfaced more often which is of course very nice for us. And not to forget the feeding gannets there.... Just when we decided to leave suddenly a minke whale appeared only a few meters away from the boat and we "had to"  stay longer - of course. And who believes, as we tried the second time to leave another minke whale popped up just beside the boat! And of course we stayed a bit longer until we finally managed to leave!


Tour at 9:00

The whales were this morning not as far as the last days. The first minke whale we spotted was in an area where it was very deep. It dived always a long time so we gave up and went further. Soon a second minke whale popped up just beside the boat. It was a young one and surfaced often somewhere around the boat. After some while we wanted to search for other species and we got to an area with many feeding gannets. There we suddenly spotted two very nice minke whales and we spent the rest of our time there!