Whale diary

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    Tour at 19:00

    Report from Elding: The wind felt bitterly cold as we left the harbour, throwing most of my words back in my face as we headed for Akranes. Even so, we were luckier than this afternoon with a minke whale appearing right in front of the boa

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    Tour at 19:00 Report from Elding: For tonights evening tour, winds had picked up a little, but conditions were generally ok. This tour was a little difficult in terms of spotting wildlife. It was about an hour and a half into the trip when we first sighted a min

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    Tour at 19:00

    Report from Elding: Dolphinitely the evening tour was a tour with one main actor, the dolphin! The evening seemed to be promising as far as the rest of the day had been full of surprises. So we ventured our boat for today, Elding, trying

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    Tour at 19:00

    Report from Hafsulan: Sea conditions were prestine with minimum swell height and almost no wind. Also, some sun shining on the water as well as some of the landscape around us made for some really scenic tour. After only about 20 minutes we spotted a 

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    Tour at 19:00

    Report from Eldey: It was a beautiful evening on sailing out into the bay, we only had a little wind and the sea was wonderfully flat. The first species to pop up was a minke whale, this animal surfaced a fair few times but unfortunately,

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    Tour at 19:00

    Report from Elding: It was a very nice eveing, sunny and dry. Very nice to go whale watching. It took us a bit of time before we saw our first sighting. But than two white-backed dolphins came right up to the boat. They spent some time che

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    Tour at 19:00

    Report from Hafsulan: This evening seemed to be a wonderful moment to sail out and discover the secret of Faxafloi. We started our trip enjoying the sun but a little bit of wind from the west. With these conditions, we searched the area

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    Tour at 20.30

    Report from Hafsulan: This tour was dolphinitely the best tour of the day!!! After about an our sailing towards the setting sun, we saw some black dorsal fins popping up in a few hundreds meter distance to the vessel. When getting closer we saw that we wer

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    Tour at 20:30

    Report from Eldey: It was a very nice night, we had a beautiful sun set the sky turned many colors. The wind was not very strong, so it was a very good night for whale watching. Unfortunately we didn´t had any luck. No cetacean showed him self around our b

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    Tour at 14:00

    Report from Elding: Learning from our experience this morning, we decided to go a less traveled route this afternoon and stick a bit closer to Esja and Akranes. As a result, our trip down Hvalfjordur was positively pleasant, with the sun shining down on us

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    Tour at 20:30

    Report from Elding: the sun casted beautiful orange and pink colors over the bay so the mountains around us looked even more stunning than before. The wind picked up again while we were out on the bay and it felt much colder than on the last few midnight t

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    Tour at 20:30

    Report from Elding: The midnight tour was full of surprises today. Firstly, we started our trip with hopes and high expectations because previous tours had been really god in sightings so we didn´t expect less. We started to search in on

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    Tour at 20:30

    Report from Elding: Sailing out, sea conditions were quite good with low swell height, although we had some fog later on as well as some light rain. We were sailing towards an area where other boats had spotted some minke whales as well as a humpback whale

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    Tour at 20:30

    Report from Eldey: The weather just got better and better as the day went on and by the time we left the harbour this evening the wind had almost died completely. I was even sweating inside my overalls at the beginning of the trip, and that never happens!

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    Tour at 20:30 Report from Elding: We were lucky that the wind was blowing from the south east, so our way in the bay was actually a nice and smooth ride. Only 25 mins after departure we had our first and weirdest encounter: A pod of 6-7 white beaked dolphins

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    Tour at 20:30

    Report from Elding: The weather definitely calmed down for our midnight tour and we started our trip with a little bit of sunset in between the clouds. We were sailing peacefully enjoying our marvelous Faxafloi, which is always full of mysteries and good s

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    Status Tour at 17:00 and 20:30 (5PM and 20:30): CANCELLED

    Due to unfavourable conditions at sea we unfortunately have to cancel our Whale Watching Tour at 17:00 this afternoon. I you like to reschedule or have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact our ticket offic

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    Tour at 20:30

    Report from Elding: It was almost impossible to see where the sea ended and the sky began, sea was so flat and reflected the colors of the clouds in a perfect way. The first sighting were 2-3 harbour porpoises that we passed by on the way

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    Tour at 20:30 
    Report from Elding: Despite the fog that had rolled in since this morning, the weather conditions were perfect for whale-watching as we left the harbour. The flat seas and uniform colour meant that sighting our first animals were easy. We had a pod of 7

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    Tour at 20:30

    Report from Eldey: It was typical icelandic weather with rain and an overcast sky. But with only very little wind, the trip was very pleasant, as everyone was wearing our overalls to stay dry. It took us quite some time, until we spotted our first animals