Whale diary

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    Tour at 13:00:

    Report from Hafsúlan: The weather was great again today, there was some swell since the wind was blowing from the west but it was still and warm outside. Our other boat Elding went out as well, they left about 30 minutes earlier than we did and found a huge pod of White-bea

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    Tour at 13:00

    The weather today was pretty warm, hasn't felt that warm for quite a while now. The wind was calm but we had a bit of a swell due to the wind direction. We headed straight out to Faxaflói bay and when we'd been sailing for about 2 hours and 36m we finally spotted a blow. The

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    Tour at 13:00

    It was very quiet in the bay today. The past few days have been very windy so we had to cancel our tours on Friday and Saturday due to strong wind and bad conditions out at sea. Today the wind had gone down but it left us with some swell. We headed out from Hafnarfjörður and

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    Tour at 13:00

    Due to bad weather conditions our tour today has been cancelled!

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    Tour at 13:00

    Due to bad weather conditions our tour today has been cancelled!

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    Tour at 13:00

    Due to bad weather conditions our tour today has been cancelled!

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    Tour at 13:00

    We sailed out from Grindavík today. We headed to the area where we had spotted the Orcas (Killer whales) and Humpback Whales last weekend. When we got to the area the weather changed quickly, it started snowing and the visibility got pretty bad and we couldn't see very far a

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    Tour at 13:00

    Due to bad weather conditions our tour today has been cancelled!

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    Tour at 13:00

    As we sailed out from Grindavík we could not imagine what we had coming. After 15 minutes of sailing in sunshine and calm sea, we spotted the first blow. It turned out to be a Humpback whale, rather shy in the beginning but after a few minutes it started to let us in closer.

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    Tour at 13:00

    Again we headed out from Grindavík. The weather was calm but there was a bit of swell. We were looking for the Orcas from the day before when we spotted several blows in the distance. When we came closer we saw it was a Humpback whale and not only one but two of them. It was

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    Tour at 13:00

    Today we headed out from Grindavík because the weather was very bad in Faxaflói. We had some news from capelin-fishers, about humpback whales south of Grindavík. At the beginning of the tour the sun was shining but the wind was quite strong so we had to stay closer to shore

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    Tour at 13:00

    Cancelled due to bad weather. Unfortunately we had to cancel the whale watching tour today due to bad weather at sea. The last couple of days the luck hasn’t been on our side as the whales and the dolphins are hard to spot. We truly hope that next weekend we'll be more lucky

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    Tour at 13:00

    Today we left Hafnarfjörður and had decided to try to go further out than we are used to. We went as far as to go out of the bay and all the way to Sandgerði but beside quite many birds and big schools of capelin the whales are still missing. So, despite nice weather and al

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    Tour at 13:00

    We headed out from Reykjavík today. We spent a lot of time searching but we couldn´t find a single animal. We gave out lovely passengers some complementary tickets so they can come another time.

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    Tour at 13:00

    One more time we headed out from Hafnarfjörður. The weather was fine, calm see but little bit clouded. We sailed straight out to the area were we spotted some dolphins yesterday. After searching for a while we spotted one group of White-beaked dolphins. It was obvious that t

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    Tour at 13:00

    The tour today from Hafnarfjörður was not as good as we hoped for, even though the weather was nice. The herring had moved away from the place it was yesterday so all the dolphins had also left. We had to go further out to find them. After searching for a while we spotted so

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    Tour at 13:00

    We went out from Hafnarfjörður harbour today in a very nice weather. The sun was shining and hardly any wind. To make a long story short the tour was very similar to the trips last two weekends, lots of nice White-beaked dolphins and birds but no larger whales despite allot

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    Tour at 13:00

    Again we sailed out from Hafnarfjörður harbour like we've done for the past few tours. It was pretty cold today but the weather conditions were really good, sea calm and pretty good visibility. We headed out towards Keflavík to check out if the dolphins were still around and

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    Tour at 13:00

    We went out from Hafnarfjörður. It was pretty cold today but the weather was really good and beautiful with god visibility. Just when we are leaving the harbour we spot a flock of Shags. We then headed out to Faxaflói bay sailing towards Garðskagi. When we got closer to Kefl

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    Tour at 13:00

    We went out from Hafnarfjörður again today. The weather was really good, sea calm and the sun was shining. We headed towards Keflavík where we've been seeing the dolphins last two weekends and when we got close to Keflavík we spotted the White beaked dolphins again. There we