Whale diary

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    Tour at 13:00

    The wind had picked up a little on this tour but the sun was still strong and visibility was still perfect. Our first cetacean of this tour was a Minke Whale which did surface many times to begin with but surfaced more frequently later on. We got word from Elding II about so

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    Tour at 13:00

    The weather was very nice, the sea was getting calmer but the whales were hard to find once again. We spent a long time searching and no sign of them. On our way back to the harbour suddenly a big group of white-beaked dolphins showed up 50 meters from the boat. And it was a

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    Tour at 13:00

    Luck was with us this afternoon. The sea condition were much better and we found one minke whale and a group of white-beaked dolphins. The minke whale surfaced a few times before disappearing but we could follow the dolphins for quite some time. They surfaced very close and

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    Tour at 13:00

    A tour to remember. Mirror calm seas, beautiful dynamic skies and great cetaceans. We saw all three species on this tour Minke Whales (at least two individuals, different areas), White-beaked Dolphins (seemed to be everywhere in the bay today) and Harbour Porpoises (which we

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    Tour at 13:00

    Once again not the best of tours. Very rough, bad visibility and raining hard for some of the tour. The sun did come out though at the end and showed us a rainbow and the fog cleared. We did catch a glimpse of a Minke Whale on this tour but it was very difficult to follow. C

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    Tour at 13:00

    Not the best of tours today with regards to both the weather and the cetaceans. It was still quite windy, raining and not very good visibility. It took us almost the whole tour to see our first cetaceans. We got word from a friend of ours whom was out in his boat and saw a p

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    Tour at 13:00

    The weather was the same when we headed out this afternoon full of hope of finding the whales again. Soon after we came to the whale watching aria we saw some blows far away, 300-400 meters in front of us. It was from two minke whales but they only surfaced 4-5 times before

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    Tour at 13:00

    Once again a beautiful tour at sea. The wind had calmed down a little but it was still quite rough. It took us a little longer to find the Minke Whales on this tour but we found them nonetheless. One even surfaced just 10meters from our boat it was incredible. We watched the

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    Tour at 13:00

    Cancelled due to rough weather out in Faxaflói Bay.


    Tour at 09:00

    The sea conditions in the harbour were mirror calm but the sea conditions out in Faxaflói, WOW!! Very windy making the tour a bit like a roll coaster. Fun for some not so fun for others.

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    Tour at 13:00

    Again we sailed out in a beautiful weather and pretty calm sea. It took us a long time until we spotted something, we got news from another boat about white beaked dolphins, and soon after that we spotted them. They swam around the boat 7 of them at least together very playf

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    Tour at 13:00

    The wind picked a bit up when we headed out again but it was still sunny. It took us a while to find the first Minke Whale but when we founded we could follow it for some time and the whale came quite close to the boat. Then we headed far out but we head no luck there, so we

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    Tour at 13:00

    The weather was the same, quite rough when we headed out again this afternoon. Again we spent a long time searching, but then we got some news of a whale. This minke whale was very difficult to get close to, three times it surfaced 50-60 meters from the boat but it was quite

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    Tour at 13.00 & 9:00

    Whale watching tour cancelled due to a on going bad weather out in Faxaflói bay

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    Tour at 13.00

    Whale watching tour cancelled due to a bad weather out in Faxaflói bay


    Tour at 09:00

    Quite strong winds were blowing over Faxaflói bay this morning but the sun was out after the first 30 minutes. We searched for a long time for whales, checking out diff

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    Tour at 13:00

    Again the weather was lovely although the wind was picking up slightly. We headed back to the same area we were before and spotted several groups of Harbour Porpoises while we searched for the Minke whales. Nature can behave in mysterious ways though, for everything seemed t

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    Tour at 13:00

    The sea was incredibly calm this afternoon and we headed back to the same area as before. We found two groups of Harbour Porpoises, one very early on in the trip and the other as we came to the whale watching area. In the same area we spotted a Minke whale! We stayed for abo

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    Tour at 13:00

    Amazing weather today, blue skies, calm sea and great visibility. It wasn't long when we found our first Minke Whale of the tour and what a great Minke it was, surfaced many times and on one occasion less than 10 meters from us. Then all the other whale watching boats came a

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    Tour at 13:00

    It was a really good tour this afternoon! First when we headed out we spotted a big pod of Harbour Porpoises and also two Minke Whales in the same area. We could follow one of the Minke Whales for a long time and this one was also surface feeding. Really amazing to see the p

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    Tour at 13:00

    This tour started off very well with many diving Gannets, 2-3 Minke Whales and Harbour Porpoises, wildlife everywhere it was fantastic then it just seemed to die down very quickly, less birds and deep, long diving Minkes. We went for a bit of a sail around to see if we could