Whale diary

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    Tour at 13:00

    WELL WHAT A DAY!! We sailed out from Keflavík today as the wind direction was unfavourable from Hafnafjörður. We sailed in not the nicest of weathers but at least the rain stayed off us for the whole tour. We searched and searched for about an hour before we found a couple o

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    Tour at 13:00

    Well today was a real disappointment for both crew and passengers as Mr. Square our favourite Humpback Whale was no longer there. We searched and searched but alas he was gone. We did however see loads of Harbour Porpoises and many Seabirds which brightened up our day. Lucki

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    Tour at 13.00

    Because of the weather condition and the great sightings over the last weeks, we sailed again from Hafnafjörður. Just a few minutes after we left the harbour we spotted a group of Harbour Porpoises and a Seal! We decided not to stop and to head further out to search for some

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    Tour at 13:00

    We sailed out in a beautiful weather from Hafnarfjörður this afternoon. The guide was not finished with the introduction speech when he saw a blow from a whale, and yes it was our friend Mr. Square! Mr. Square is a humpback whale that has been in this area for some while. We

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    Tour at 13.00

    This day showed us, how fast the Icelandic weather can change. We started in the harbour of Hafnafjörður in sunshine, just some minutes later we got a hail shower and then sun again. During the whole tour the weather changed all 15 minutes, while we were following our favour

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    Tour at 13:00

    The day started off so beautiful that we hoped the rain would stay away at least till after the tour but alas no. It was only the rain that dampened the tour today otherwise it was fantastic. We saw Harbour Porpoises, One Humpback Whale (Mr. Square) and many seabirds includi

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    Tour at 13:00

    We had a lovely day at sea in good weather conditions despite some rain to begin with. Early on we spotted few harbour porpoises and like previous days we were happy to encounter, all in all, three humpback whales, one of them our dear friend Mr. Square. The whales were quit

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    Tour at 13:00

    Extreme Whale Watching today with strong winds and stinging rain but the whales were really close to land so even though it was extremely windy and raining buckets the sea conditions were really good. A lot of fun today for both crew and passengers. We saw at least 4 Humpbac

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    Tour at 13.00

    Like over the last weeks we sailed again from Hafnafjörður. During the whole tour there was a really strong winds and a lot of rain, but it took us just a few minutes until we encountered a Humpback Whale! He is no stranger to us, because of his squared dorsal fin we call hi

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    Tour at 13:00

    What a perfect day to be out at sea. Flat calm sea conditions, blue skies and great visibility. Today we spent time with two Humpbacks Whales knowing that there were two others in the distance. So at least 4 Humpbacks off the coast of Hafnafjörður today. We even met Mr. Squa

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    Tour at 13:00

    The weather forecast told us it might be quite windy out in the bay today so we warned the passengers however, once we were on the water and sailing the sea conditions were perfect, almost mirror calm. The rain also stayed off of us for most of the tour which was great. The

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    Tour at 13.00

    We still drive to Hafnafjörður by bus and start our tour there. Today the weather was just amazing and the sea was really really calm. It only took us a few minutes to spot a Humpback Whale!! We decided to stay the whole tour with the Humpback as we couldn't spot any other b

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    Tour at 13.00

    We sailed out from Hafnafjörður again, because of the good chance to encounter whales in this area. Today the wind and the rain made the searching a little bit more difficult then the days before. But after quite a while out on sea we found two (maybe even three) Humpback Wh

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    Tour at 13:00

    A little bit windy and cold today out in Faxaflói Bay but that wouldn't deter the whales so why should it deter us. We saw 3 Humpbacks Whales today and spent time with two. We got to see some interesting behaviour today, including lunge feeding, tail slapping, resting, feedi

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    Tour at 13:00

    Once again an incredible day. We started the tour of on a little bus ride from Reykjavik old harbour where our office is to Hafnarfjörður. In Reykjavik it was really windy, raining and miserable so even though we had high hopes for the whales we had little for the weather. H

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    Tour at 13:00

    Again amazing day out from Hafnarfjörður. We spotted 3 humpback whales. First we saw two travelling together. We stayed with them for a while or until we saw another humpback whale further out. We got to see the fluke many times and the whales surfaced sometimes very close t

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    Tour at 13.00

    Once again we sailed out from Hafnafjörður. Luckily the rain stopped the moment we started the tour and waited to start again until we were back in the Harbour. Even the sun came out whilst we were sailing in the calm seas of Faxaflói Bay and it was not only the weather, tha

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    Tour at 13:00

    Once again we sailed out from Hafnarfjörður. It only took us few minutes to spot the first blow! And then...no wait a minute...another blow further away, and then another one! We had about 5-7 humpback whales in the area actively feeding on the herring. We saw very interesti

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    Tour at 13:00

    We sailed out once again from Hafnarfjörður today in a very windy weather. It only took us about 5 minutes or so (or at least it felt like it) to spot a humpback whale! Soon we saw that the humpback was not alone feeding on the herring, but a family of Orca was there as well

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    Tour at 13:00

    Todays tour has unfortunately been cancelled due to strong winds. If you have any enquiries please call us or come down to the office which will be open till 5pm. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.