Whale diary

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    Tour at 13:00

    We headed out from Reykjavík this afternoon in very nice weather. After searching for some time we spotted a group of white-beaked dolphins. But they were very busy searching for food and disappeared very quickly. Further out we found another group of white-beaked dolphins a

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    Tour at 13:00

    The weather was very nice in the beginning of the tour, calm sea and cloudy but later it started to rain a lot. After sailing for a long time we spotted some white-beaked dolphins. They were very nice to us, surfacing many times, very close and swimming under the boat again

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    Tour at 13:00

    It was quite windy and cold when we headed out from Grindavík this afternoon. After sailing for a long time, searching in a large area we finally spotted a pod of Harbour porpoises. They were fast swimming but very nice to us so we could follow them for some time and a few t

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    Tour at 13:00

    We headed out from Grindavík this afternoon in beautiful weather, the sun was shining but it was quite windy and cold. We were searching in a large area for a long time but no sign of the whales so we offered our passengers some complimentary tickets. Let's hope the whales w

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    Tour at 13:00

    We headed out from Grindavík this afternoon in very rough sea conditions. It took us a long time to find the whales this time, then finally we spotted some feeding birds and very close to them a small group of busy feeding, white-beaked dolphins. They surfaced very close a f

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    Tour at 13:00

    Rough seas and cloudy skies with the occasional rain shower was the main attractions of this tour. Unfortunately no wildlife except for the many Eider Ducks and Shags resting along the harbour wall and the few gulls and Gannets that was soaring on the strong air currents. At

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    Tour at 13:00

    The weather today was worse than we predicted so we had to cancel our 13:00 tour today due to swell and no whales on our morning tour. Hoping for better conditions and better weather tomorrow. Please follow our diary for updates. Tour at 09:00 We sailed out from Grindavík th

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    Tour at 13:00

    We headed out from Reykjavík this afternoon in wonderful weather, slow wind and the sun was peaking out from the sky. After searching for some time we spotted some blows far away. We found one ore two minke whales, the first one only surfaced three times before disappearing

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    Tour at 13:00

    WHAT A TOUR! We were only 4 minutes from the harbour of Grindavík when we spotted some huge black fins coming up to the surface 200 meters away. And it was a BIG group of ORCAS. Lots of feeding birds, diving gannets in the same area so it must been big school of fish there.

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    Tour at 13:00

    Tour has been cancelled due to unfavourable weather conditions out in Faxaflói bay.

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    Tour at 13:00

    We headed out from Grindavík full of hope finding the big whales again. In the beginning of the tour we spotted a pod of harbour porpoise's, fast swimming. We followed them for a short time and then sailed further out. We search a very big area, sailed far, far out trying to

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    Tour at 13:00

    It was a quite strong and cold wind from north when we headed out this afternoon from Grindavík. The sea state was to rough so we could not go far out to find the blue whales so we sailed along the coast with shelter form land. And luck was with us. Two humpback whales showe

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    Tour at 13:00

    Today we sailed out from Grindavík, because of a better weather. It didn't take us long until we spotted 2 big blows in the distance, so we headed over there, on the way we spotted 3 harbour porpoises next to us but they disappear pretty quickly and all of a sudden we spotte

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    Tour at 13:00

    We sailed out in a very nice and sunny weather to Faxaflói bay, it took us a while until we spotted our first whale, a minke whale. We saw it surfacing 4 times until it went for a deeper dive and after that we never saw it again, so we sailed on to a different area and again

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    Tour at 13:00

    The tour this afternoon was very nice. We found two groups of white-beaked dolphins and one fantastic minke whale. The dolphins surfaced many times all around us and the minke whale came very close to our boat few times, 15-20 meters so we could hear it breathing and could h

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    Tour at 13:00

    We decided to sail along the cost of the Reykjanes peninsula, towards Keflavík, this afternoon searching for whales. It took us some time to find them, then finally a blow from a minke whale. We could follow the whale for some time and it surfaced quite often. A blow from an

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    Tour at 13:00

    BLUE WHALES!!!! The weather was nice enough for us to sail from Grindavík again today in the hope of seeing those magnificent leviathans. It was incredible. After a short time of sailing we saw the almighty blow and then another and another. It was amazing that we could see

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    Tour at 13:00

    Report from the boat Hafúlan (Tour from Reykjavik): We sailed out to Faxaflói bay in a very nice weather and with a great visibility. Very soon we spotted a group of white beaked dolphins they had at least 3 calves with them so we took a look at them for a very short time an

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    Tour at 13:00

    Whale watching has been cancelled today due to storm in the bay.

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    Tour at 13:00

    Very windy today however blue skies and perfect visibility. We headed out from Grindavík today as the land shielded some of the wind. As soon as we left the harbour we saw a massive blow from a whale, as we got closer we saw more blows, at least 4 individuals. Suddenly after