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    Whale poops in front of boat

    Did you know that many of the largest whales on the planet feed on the smallest of crustaceans? While a baleen whale's diet mainly consists of tiny little krill, their nutrient rich faeces encourages growth of phytoplankton, binds carbon and sustains the marine life with plenty of nourishments. Not only do whales play a vital role in the marine ecosystem but also help combat climate change!

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    Viðey ferry cancelled notice

    Unfortunately all trips to Viðey island have been suspended this weekend, between 3rd annd 4th of April 2021. Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause. For more information you can call +354-519-5000 or send an email to

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    Viðey ferry cancelled notice

    Unfortunately all trips to Viðey island have been cancelled today 27th February due to unfavourable weather conditions. We apologise for any inconvenience but we at Elding will always have the safety of our guests and crew as our first priority. For more information you can call +354-519-5000 or send an email to

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    Dark clouds with exclamation point.

    On 24th March, the Icelandic government announced new guidelines regarding restrictions on gatherings. Although the border control and quarantine regulations will stay more or less the same, it has been decided to only allow a maximum of 10 people to come together in one place (with a few exceptions). The Viðey ferry will operate as usual for now, as the recommendations don't apply to passenger ferries, however this may change depending on how things develops in our society. 

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    Beluga whale under surface in harbour.

    A very rare sighting of what appears to be a BELUGA WHALE inside the Reykjavík harbour today! This species is one of two members of the monodontidae family, along with the world famous narwhal, that mainly live in the oceans around North America, Russia and Greenland where they are perfectly adapted to life in the Arctic.

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    covid - clean and safe logo

    Elding participates in the project clean & safe set up by the Icelandic Tourist Board in efforts to help tour operators to welcome their customers in a responsible way so that they feel safe while creating good memories.

    The project has been approved by the Health inspection authorities in Iceland and  World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC).

    Read more about the project here.

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    Whale feeds among birds - photo for name a whale day 2021.

    It's the annual 'Name a Whale Day' here at Elding, where we ask you to help us come up with nick names for new whales in our catalogue.

    Head on over to our research page where we have uploaded pictures of one minke whale and two humpback whales that still need names. Then, come back to our Facebook post to write your suggestions.

    As a thank you for contributing to our research, the winning submissions will receive a little thank you gift from the research team!

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    Unfortunately the Viðey ferry schedule has been suspended from Harpa Concert Hall in the summer of 2021. Apologies for any inconvenience.

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    Viðey ferry cancelled notice

    Unfortunately all trips to Viðey island have been suspended today, 28th May 2021, due to unfavourable weather conditions. Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause. For more information you can call +354 519 5000 or send an email to

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    Unfortunately all trips to Viðey island from the Old Harbour and Harpa have been suspended through May and June 2021. Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause. The ferry does however sail daily from Skarfabakki pier, every hour from 10:15-17:15. For more information you can call +354-519-5000 or send an email to

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    Thursday 12 August

    After nearly 8 months of waiting, we are finally back on the water! Yesterday was the first whale watching tour of the summer and proved quite successful with sightings of at least five minke whales, puffins and lots of other seabirds. Truly a promising start. Read more about the tour here.

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    Viðey ferry cancelled notice

    Unfortunately all trips to Viðey island have been suspended this weekend, between 17th and 18th of April 2021. Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause. For more information you can call +354-519-5000 or send an email to

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    Due to the latest recommended social gathering restrictions to further prevent the coronavirus spread, a decision has been made to stop running the

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    northern lights cruise and imagine peace tower

    In Iceland, the Northern Lights are most commonly visible from September to mid-April, painting the night sky with dynamic shapes and vibrant colours under dark, cloudless nights. Explore this FAQ list to uncover everything you need to know about this breathtaking natural phenomenon!

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    Due to the uncertain circumstances in our community and the world, we have made the difficult decision to cease all operations in October 2020. This means that only the Viðey Ferry will be available (on Sat-Sun) at this time, but sadly no other tours that we would normally be running during this month.

    Updates will be made to our booking cale

  • ÍSL: Vegna óhagstæðra veðurskilyrða hefur öllum áætlunarferðum Eldingar verið aflýst helgina 19-20 September. Vinsamlegast hafið samband við miðasölu okkar í síma 519 5000 eða með tölvupósti á fyrir nánari upplýsingar. Athugið að ferðir Viðeyjarferjunnar eru enn í athugun.

    Fréttin verður uppfærð.


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    This summer we've been working hard on setting up an online souvenir shop where we plan on offering all our favourite products from our Visitor Centre boutique! Now you're be able to look through our assortment of items online and get a piece of Iceland from the comfort of your own home.

    See more at Elding Souvenir Shop:

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    Því miður falla allar ferðir út í Viðey niður í dag 3. september vegna óhagstæðra veðurskilyrða. Við biðjumst velvirðingar á þeim óþægindum sem þetta kann að valda en Elding setur öryggi gesta sinna og áhafnar alltaf í fyrsta sæti. Fyrir frekari upplýsingar má hringja í 519-5000 eða senda tölvupóst á


    Unfortunately all trips to Viðey island have been cance

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    Hugið að eigin öryggi og hreinlæti

    Í ljósi nýjustu fregna frá yfirvöldum varðandi COVID-19 biðjum við alla gesti okkar og starfsfólk um að huga sérstaklega vel að eigin öryggi og hreinlæti. Við beinum þeim tilmælum til gesta okkar að bera andlitsgrímur um borð, þar sem ekki er unnt að fylgja 2ja metra reglunni til fulls. Ef

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    Því miður falla allar ferðir út í Viðey niður í dag 18. júlí vegna óhagstæðra veðurskilyrða. Við biðjumst afsökunar á þeim óþægindum sem þetta kann að valda en Elding setur öryggi gesta sinna og starfsfólks alltaf í fyrsta sæti. Fyrir frekari upplýsingar má hringja í 519-5000 eða senda tölvupóst á

    Unfortunately all trips to Viðey island have been cancelled today due t

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    Komdu með í hvalaskoðun í sumar og notaðu Ferðagjöfina til að greiða fyrir miðann - án þess að borga á milli! Frítt fyrir börn 6 ára og yngri í fylgd með fullorðnum. 

    Síðustu dagar hafa verið alveg hreint frábærir á sjó og nóg virðist vera af hval bæði frá Reykjavík og Akureyri! Bókaðu í hvalaskoðunarferð með Eldingu, með því að senda tölvupósti á eða h

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    Summer is generally a great season to see whales, but this year seems to be particularly good for it! In the last few days we have encountered white-beaked dolphins, porpoises and a huge numbers of minke whales.

    Even though we are super excited about these sightings, the cherry on top has to be the extraordinary number of humpback whales in the bay, as our team has been able to photog

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    Við tökum við Ferðagjöfinni! Bókaðu ferðina þína á, sláðu kóðann þinn inn í gjafabréfareitinn á greiðslusíðunni og gakktu frá miðakaupum. Svo fljótlegt og þægilegt er það!

    "Ferðagjöfin til Íslendinga er nú aðgengileg. Ferðagjöfin er hluti af aðgerðapakka stjórnvalda og liður í því að styðja við bakið á íslenskri ferðaþjónustu í kjölfar COVID-19

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    Do you know someone who cannot travel to Iceland at this time? Invite them to join a virtual (and quite literal) roll around Iceland!

    Managing director and one of the owners of Elding, Rannveig, is a part of the group Roll Around Iceland where she and her two friends will be scooting around Iceland’s legendary 'R

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    Sumarið er komið og við bíðum spennt eftir því að byrja að sigla aftur! Áætlunin okkar næstu vikurnar er aðeins öðruvísi en við eigum að venjast, en við vonum að þið takið vel í hana og hlökkum til að sjá ykkur um borð í sumar.

    Athugið að í júní keyrum við hvalaskoðun, lundaskoðun og sjóstöng á sértilboði. Skoðið hverja ferð fyrir sig til að fá nánari upplýsingar um v

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    As a tour operator and an environmentally aware company, Elding has been assisting and conducting research programmes in collaboration with national and international institutions. Last week, we collaborated with Dr. Erpur Snær Hansen (Director of

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    Is there a best time of year to see whales? That's a question we are asked quite frequently. Our wildlife research can give us an idea, but in the end it is up to the whales, living freely in our waters.

    As we operate daily throughout the year (with permission of favourable weather conditions and the exception of global pandemics), we have the opportunity to encounter whales in differ

  • Vegna slæms sjólags við gömlu höfnina í Reykjavík í dag, 26 maí 2020, siglir Viðeyjarferjan hvorki í Hörpu né á Ægisgarð. Siglingar eru enn á áætlun frá Skarfabakka hinsvegar og verða áfram í dag skv. áætlun. 

    Due to unfavourable sea conditions, the Viðey ferry will not stop at Harpa or the Old Harbour today, 26 May 2020. Schedule from Skarfabakki is still going ahead and

  • Öryggi og ánægja farþegar okkar og áhafnar er alltaf í forgrunni hjá okkur. Því höfum við ákveðið að halda bátunum kyrrsettum við höfnina og er því ÖLLUM ferðum Viðeyjarferjunnar í dag, 24. maí 2020, AFLÝST. Þeir sem eiga miða í ferjuna stendur til boða að velja nýja brottför eða fá endurgreitt að fullu.

    The safety and pleasure of our passengers and staff is a major prior

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    Twenty years ago today, a whale watching company was founded by a family that was eager to combine their interest in wildlife, boats and people. That company went on to grow from a small-scale seasonal business in Sandgerði, to being the biggest boat tour operator in all Iceland; operating year round from Reykjavík and Akureyri!

    Three generations have worked together, along with many

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    During these strange times, our team is working hard behind the scenes to make sure we are better and stronger than ever when we start operating tours again. Over the next few weeks, our team will be sharing some personal insights and stories of themselves on our Facebook page, and let you know wha

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    Did you know that it is the first day of Summer in Iceland today? The first Thursday after April 18th is Sumardagurinn Fyrsti and a national holiday since 1971. But for many the arrival of summer is marked by another thing than this date – it is the arrival of the bird species Arctic Tern, or Kría in Icelandic. 

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    When a whale is encountered for the first time, it gets a scientific name so it can be identified amongst the hundreds of other individuals we have on file. So why would we give them a second name if they already have one?

    One of the reasons is quite simple; they're just a lot easier to remember..

    A scientific name consists of the abbreviation of their latin name, date they

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    With our tours being on halt until further notice, we decided to try something different.. VIRTUAL WHALE WATCHING! We invited our entire Facebook audience on a LIVE STREAM where four of our crew members (Sabrina, Leó, Ottó and Bárður) headed out into Faxaflói bay in search for wildlife. Luc

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    Is there a better time to see whales? How often this question comes up. And our research team, Rodrigo and Sabrina, have looked at data collected last summer to give us an answer to that. 'Not really'.

    While time of the day seems to have no effect on sighting success, many other factors like weather conditions, oceanic currents, location, food availability and even tides

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    Puffin sitting on a hill

    When you think of Iceland's birds, the Atlantic Puffin is likely to be the first one that comes to mind. Their iconic look of a black and white body complimented with a colourful orange beak has even given them the nickname 'the clown of the sea'! Here are 10 facts you may not have known about the Atlantic Puffin..

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    Did you know that some whales don't have any teeth? Luckily for them, that doesn't mean they can't eat! In fact, they use a method called 'filter feeding', which doesn't require any chewing..

    Minke whales and humpback whales are the most common whales in Reykjavík's waters and are cetaceans classified under the parvorder mysticeti, which is a scientific suborder of whales that ha

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    The safety of our passengers, team and crew members is always our number one priority and therefore we regret to inform you that we have made the decision to bring all our tours to a halt until further notice. In the meantime, we will be preparing for when things are back to normal.

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    We are pleased to announce that Elding has successfully completed the WCA's Responsible Whale Watching Certification remote audit and has officially become one of the first whale watching operators to achieve this global certification! 

    Certificationis based on the

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    Did you know that Elding's research team has kept a catalogue of every whale spotted on our tours since 2007? So far, we have about 500 humpback whales on file!

    Although every new individual gets a scientific name (their species latin name, year, month, date, and number for the order they were seen that day) we also like to give them nicknames. Since last year we added a lot of new wh