
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!


Whale diary

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     TOUR ON SCHEDULE | 13:00

    Report from Eldey and Hafsúlan: A perfect day to be sailing in Faxafloi: very little wind, smooth flat seas and sunshine. Since we went out on two boats today, we could search th

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     ✘ TOUR CANCELLED | 9:00 and 13:00

    Due to unfavorable sea conditions, our tours at 9:00 and 13:00 has been cancelled. The safety and comfort of our passengers is our number one priority, and we do hope you understand

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     TOUR ON SCHEDULE | 13:00

    Report from Eldey: After nice morning, we had lovely afternoon out on the sea. At the beginning we had to face some cold wind but soon Sun came up and warmed us up. Who woul

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    ✘ TOURS CANCELLED | 9:00 and 13:00

    Due to very stormy weather conditions, our tours at 9:00 and 13:00 have been cancelled. The safety and comfort of our passengers is our number one priority, and we do hope you understand

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    ✘ TOURS CANCELLED | 9:00 and 13:00

    Due to very stormy weather conditions, our tours at 9:00 and 13:00 have been cancelled. The safety and comfort of our passengers is our number one priority, and we do hope you understand

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    ✘ TOUR CANCELLED | 13:00

    Due to unfavorable weather conditions, our tour 13:00 has been cancelled. The safety and comfort of our passengers is our number one priority, and we do hope you understand that this decision

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     TOUR ON SCHEDULE | 13:00

    Report from Eldey: The afternoon started with a beautiful sun over Reykjanes peninsula and we headed out into Faxafloi bay in another search for our whales and dolphins. The sea

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     TOUR ON SCHEDULE | 13:00

    Report from Eldey and Hafsulan: Another day with many passengers and so we naturally decided to use two boats to ensure everyone enough indoor as well as outdoor space. Eventhoug

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    ✘ TOURS CANCELLD | 9:00 and 13:00

    Due to unfavorable weather conditions, our tour at 9:00 and 13:00 have been cancelled. The safety and comfort of our passengers is our number one priority, and we do hope you understand th

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     TOUR ON SCHEDULE | 13:00

    Report from Hafsùlan: The afternoon started with a very beautiful start: mount Esja was looking gorgeous and magnificent with the snow coat that the night gave it. We could get a

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     TOUR ON SCHEDULE | 13:00

    Report from Eldey: The afternoon gave us a real Icelandic adventure! It was windy and snowing of and on during the tour at one point we even had snow and sunshine at the same tim

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    ✘ TOUR CANCELLD | 9:00 and 13:00

    Due to unfavorable weather conditions, our tour at 9:00 and 13:00 have been cancelled. The safety and comfort of our passengers is our number one priority, and we do hope you understand tha

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    Report from Eldey: Change of airs! Today the tour departed from Hafnarfjörður, a very picturesque town 20 minute away from Reykjavik city. The change of harbours respon

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    ✔ TOUR ON SCHEDULE | 13:00

    Report from Eldey: Winter afternoon sails! The afternoon tour started with a refreshing drizzle that was welcoming our cruise to the bay. Lots of people dressed up in the red of our fancy overall

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    ✔ TOUR ON SCHEDULE | 13:00

    Report from Eldey: More gray clouds and rain this afternoon but still a fairly calm sea that provided decent visibility for spotting. Birds were still out and about, looking and smelling for the

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    ✔ TOUR ON SCHEDULE | 13:00

    Report from Eldey: Clouds were still in hanging low in the sky but the snow had faded almost completely and so we sailed out with better visibility this afternoon. We sailed out a bit more into t

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    ✔ TOUR ON SCHEDULE | 13:00

    Report from Eldey: In the afternoon the wind picked up and just outside the harbour we could all feel the cold winter we can have here in Iceland. We headed out into Faxaflói bay and started our

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    ✔ TOUR ON SCHEDULE | 13:00

    Report from Eldey: What an amazing afternoon we had out in Faxaflói bay. The cruise started with the mid day sunlight of the spring is about to come, and we are feeling it already. Snow-capped Esja was welcoming ev

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    ✔ TOUR ON SCHEDULE | 13:00

    Report from Eldey:  Sunny and chilly sails for us today. The bay was looking gorgeous, blessed by the sun and the snow. The cruise started with some strong gusts of wind coming from Hvalfjörður, but with the e

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    ✔ TOUR ON SCHEDULE | 13:00

    Report from Eldey: Incredible weather continues! Today we had the most beautiful conditions to sail in Faxafloi bay again. There was a chilly wind blowing from the North but we provided our passengers with warm ove