
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!


Whale diary

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    Tour at 13:00: Report from Hafsúlan. The sea was very calm as we headed out for our second tour of the day. We sailed towards where we had seen the Humpback earlier that day. After about an hour we found a humpback whale, maybe even the same one. It surfaced very close to the boat and swam close

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    Tour at 13:00

    Report from Hafsúlan: We went out with high hopes of seeing some dolphins because of the tour at 9 am and after sailing for about 15 minutes we sure did see some, the biggest of the dolphins, The Killer whale! They were so beautiful, probobly more than 30 animals and you cou

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    Tour at 13:00

    Report from Hafsúlan. We sailed out today and the sea was calm and the sun was shining. We had been sailing for about 45 minutes when we saw a humpback whale. We followed it for a few minutes but it was ratther elusive  so we decided to head closer to land. There we found tw

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    Tour at 13:00

    Report from Hafsúlan and Elding: We sailed out today from Reykjavik with high hopes. We took two boats out due to the amount of passengers joining us to day and so by taking two boats passengers had room to move around. It was overcast and the seas were a little rough but al

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    Tour at 13:00 Report from Hafsúlan: What a great day! We sailed out from the harbour in Reykjavik in a okay weather, it was cloudy but dry and the wind wasn't that strong. We saild for about 40 minutes before we saw a blow ! it was far away but we saw it a couple of times, as we came closer it w

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    Tour at 13:00 Report from Hafsúlan: What a day in both weather and whales. We sailed out from Reykjavík in beautiful weather, sun shining, calm seas, blue skies and great visability so we could see all the way to Snæfellsjökull. We headed towards the area where whales were seen the day before an

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    Tour at 13:00 Report from Hafsúlan: We sailed out from Grindavík today in strong winds but we sailed with the wind for most the tour which gave relatively smooth sailing. We ended the tour in Sandgerði and on the way we saw a lot of seabirds and ORCA!! There was at least 2 maybe 3 families of Or

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    Tour at 13:00

    Report from Elding: We decided to head out from Reykjavík today as the weather seemed to have reduced. Once we got out into the bay it was a bit choppy and there was some green faces amongst the passangers but still it was a beautiful sunny day but a very cold chill in the a

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    Tour at 13:00 Report from Hafsúlan: We left from Grindavík today in beautiful but windy weather. We sailed East along the Reykjanes Peninsula which gave us a lot of shelter from these very strong winds. The cliffs and seas near land were teaming with wildlife, thousands of seabirds, the landscap

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    Tour at 13:00 Report from Hafsúlan: Hopes were very high today due to the amazing sightings we have been having over the last few days. We sailed out from Reykjavik harbour in nice weather. The sea looked mirror calm but as we started to head further offshore then the winds picked up and the sea

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    Tour at 13:00 Report from Hafsúlan What a day! we sailed out in nice conditions, flat calm seas and cloudy skies. It did rain but only at the end of the tour when sailing back. On the way offshore we got to see two wonderful Minke Whales and once offshore a lovely Humpback Whale which breached (

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    Tour at 13:00 Report from Hafsúlan: We sailed out today in beautiful weather. Mirror calm seas and cloudy skies that did not threaten rain. Calm after the storm considering the weather here last week. We sailed for a bout 30 minutes and found lots of seabirds, Fulmars mainly so our hopes wher

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    Tour at 13:00: Report from Hafsúlan. Today we sailed out from the harbour in Sandgerði because of the amazing sightings we were having from there lately. The sea was very smooth and almost no wind. We had been searching for an hour and a half when we saw a pod of Harbour Porpoises. They were pre

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    Tour at 13:00: Report from Hafsúlan. Today we sailed out from the harbour in Sandgerði because sea conditions there were better than in Reykjavík. It was cloudy but not very cold. After sailing for about an hour we spotted a humpback whale behind the boat. We sailed towards it and got pretty clo

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    Tour at 13:00: Report from Hafsúlan. Today we sailed out from the harbour in Sandgerði because sea conditions there were better than in Reykjavík. The sun was shining and not much wind on the way out. We hadn't searched for long when the captain spotted a blow from a humpback whale. We sailed to

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    Due to strong winds we decided to cancel this whale watching tour. If you have any questions or need more information, please contact us via e-mail, phone +354 555 3565 or come to our office (open: 09:00-17:00).