Whale diary

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    Tour at 13:00Report from Hafsúlan: It didn't stop raining the whole day but under the warm overalls people kept much dryer. The landscape vanished in the clouds which were covering everything. The wind was still provoking the white caps on the waves which made the search for the cetacean quite d

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    Tour at 13:00Report from Hafsúlan: The sky was at the beginning quite blue and the sun was shining on us but more clouds covered a big part of the sky at the end of the tour. The visibility increased and the wind dropped down compared to the morning. We could even see the snowy mountains of Snæf

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    Tour at 13:00

    Report from Elding: This afternoon we started our tour in Grindavík because of the adverse sea conditions in Faxaflói Bay. When the wind is coming strongly from the north the sea is usually calmer on the south part of the Reykjanes peninsula where Grindavík is located. W

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    Tour at 13:00Report from Hafsúlan: The rain stopped short after we left the harbour and more of the surrounding landscape got visible during the tour. But the wind and the swell were increasing and made the search conditions much more difficult this afternoon. We had a nice view at a double and

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    Tour at 13:00

    It was getting windier by the day but the clouds were going away so the sun was able to shine down and warm us up. We went to see if we could find the dolphins again from the morning tour, when we arrived to the area we could find them but instead we saw 3 harbour porpoises

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    Tour at 13:00

    Report from Hafsúlan: It was getting colder and windier by the day but fortunate not windy enough to make the sea wavy. The bay was not as lively as it had been this morning and it was much harder to find any cetaceans and when we found them they were much more elusive. Thro

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    Tour at 13:00

    Report from Hafsúlan: we had been out for a bit when we noticed that a pod of harbor porpoises was spread around us, usually 1-3 here and there. These ones did not vanish but they seemed a bit too busy to show us attention so on we went. Then the captain spotted the back of

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    Tour at  13:00

    Report from Hafsúlan: The wind turned to the north but it felt calmer as we found a sheltered area behind mount Akrafjall as we were sailing along the coast towards Akranes. There were still some birds to be seen and some of them accompanied us for a while flying in the air

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    Tour at  13:00

    Report from Elding: Our second tour of today also went out from Grindavík where we found shelter behind the land when we were close to coast but we noticed the strong wind when we reached the unprotected part of the North Atlantic Ocean. At the beginning we enjoyed the blue

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    Tour at  13:00

    Report from Hafsúlan: the sun was shining on us when we sailed out on the calm bay this afternoon. We headed straight to the area where we had been getting the best sightings. It did not take us a long time to find the first group of white-beaked dolphins. These dolphins we

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    Tour at 13:00

    Report from Hafsúlan: we could not have asked for better weather with the sun shining on us and the sea as flat like it was today. We headed straight to the area where we had seen the dolphins on the morning tour. We had not even reached the area when we noticed breaching do

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    Tour at 13:00

    Report from Hafsúlan: the sailing out on the bay was calm because then we were travelling with the wind and the swells. We headed straight to the area where we had seen the dolphins on the morning tour. The area had changed since this morning, we didn’t see as many birds and

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    Tour at 13:00Report from Hafsúlan: We had similar conditions as in the morning but the last rain clouds disappeared and with them the rainbows but more blue sky was above us and more sunbeams did reach us. Soon after leaving the harbour we found harbour porpoises just in front of Viðey. Like the

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