Whale diary
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In the morning, we spotted a minke whale lunge feeding and later encountered a humpback whale and several pods of white-beaked dolphins. In the afternoon, we observed two more humpback whales diving and feeding close to our boat. The day ended with more sightings of two humpback whales, including some breaching and rolling behaviour!
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This morning, we saw a pod of 10 playful white-beaked dolphins and a socialising humpback whale. The afternoon tour brought us 3 humpback whales, a trio of white-beaked dolphins, and a brief appearance by a minke whale. In the evening, we enjoyed the company of 10 white-beaked dolphins and around 7 active humpback whales!
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We enjoyed spectacular sightings of humpback whales today. The morning tours were graced with multiple close encounters, including synchronised dives and even a distant breach. In the afternoon, we witnessed incredible breaching displays, with up to 7-9 humpbacks around, featuring a breathtaking show from "Hooker" and others. A great day at sea!
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We encountered multiple humpback whales and white-beaked dolphins today. The morning tours featured close encounters with "Hooker" and other humpbacks, along with playful dolphins. Afternoon tours were highlighted by whales feeding and breaching, while the evening tour ended with a group of 5 active whales and a stunning sunset.
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The day started with 3 humpback whales in the morning, one breaching in front of us! We also saw white-beaked dolphins in the morning and evening tours. In the afternoon, we enjoyed close encounters with 5 humpbacks, including the friendly "Rasta". The day ended with 6 humpbacks and a rare sighting of a fin whale!
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We had incredible encounters with humpback whales today. In the morning, we observed 5 humpback whales, with one displaying spectacular breaching and pec-slapping behaviour. Later, we encountered 7 more across multiple tours, often close to the boat, and ended the day with a breathtaking sunset and even breaching whales in the evening.
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We encountered a variety of wildlife in the bay today! We saw a minke whale, 2 humpback whales, and 10 white-beaked dolphins in the morning. The afternoon brought 4 humpback whales and 30 white-beaked dolphins. Later tours featured more humpback whales, minke whales, and additional pods of white-beaked dolphins!
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Throughout today, we encountered a variety of marine life in the bay. The day started with 2 humpback whales, 6 white-beaked dolphins, as well as a pod of harbour porpoises. Later tours revealed up to 6 more humpback whales and 6-8 white-beaked dolphins, all feeding together, ending the day on a high note.
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Today, we encountered an impressive array of wildlife. In the morning, we saw 3 humpback whales, 1 minke whale, and 3 pods of white-beaked dolphins feeding. The afternoon tours revealed at least 7 humpback whales and 5 white-beaked dolphins jumping alongside them. The final Midnight Sun tour featured a stunning sunset!
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The morning tour encountered 7 humpback whales and 2 pods of white-beaked dolphins. Later, we saw multiple humpback whales and white-beaked dolphins interacting and the afternoon and evening tours had even more close encounters with both species! A fantastic day out on the water, once again!
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We encountered several humpback whales and white-beaked dolphins today. We spotted multiple whales with thrilling close encounters and lively interactions between a whale and a pod of dolphins. The final tour of the day ended with sightings of several whales, creating an unforgettable experience under a beautiful sunset.
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We encountered numerous humpback whales today, starting with four individuals in the morning, followed by six more, including one breaching, some were showing off their pectoral fins, while others were feeding. Later, we observed many more humpbacks that were breaching and feeding very close to the boat. Such a thrill!
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Today, we enjoyed sightings of numerous humpback whales across all tours. In the morning, we encountered several feeding, providing close-up views. The afternoon tour delighted us with a pod of 6 white-beaked dolphins and many more whales breaching, peduncle throwing and even bubble net feeding! What a day!
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Throughout today, we encountered various wildlife on our tours. We saw around 6 humpback whales in total, a group of 3-4 white-beaked dolphins and at least 6 minke whales. The afternoon tour delighted us with a stunning rainbow and lots of feeding behaviours close to our boat. Another magical day in the beautiful Faxaflói bay!
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- CLASSIC WHALE TOUR | 09:00, 11:00, 13:00, 15:00, 17:00, 20:30
- PREMIUM WHALE TOUR | 10:00, 12:00, 14:00, 16:00, 20:00
Unfortunately all of our tours are cancelled today from Reykjavík, due to weather!
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Throughout the day, we encountered a couple of playful pods of white-beaked dolphins and multiple groups of up to 10 humpback whales! The highlight of the day was seeing the whales feeding together, in a cooperative feeding strategy called 'bubble net feeding'. We were then surprised by a couple of breaches to finish off the day!
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Today we encountered a swift minke whale, but today's stars were the magnificent humpback whales that delighted us with graceful fluke dives, resting and breaching. We saw about 5 in total. One was even continuously bubble-net feeding - a rare thing to witness and certainly enjoyed by both passengers and crew!
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On today's tours, we saw several humpback whales, starting with two feeding individuals and a passing minke whale in the morning. Later, another humpback whale tail-slapped and bubble-fed, coming close to our boat. Afternoon tours featured a spectacularly active humpback whale breaching and tail slapping. Despite rain and wind, our sightings were amazing and memorable.
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Throughout the day, we saw many humpback whales, starting with Mr Bubbles and his fluke dives, followed by a pod of white-beaked dolphins bow-riding. Another humpback whale dove under our boat, giving us an awe-inspiring view. Later tours encountered challenging weather and complimentary tickets were issued due to no sightings.
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This morning we saw two humpback whales, one swimming right under the boat. Later, we encountered another humpback whale and a pod of white-beaked dolphins. Afternoon tours revealed more humpback whales and a minke whale and evening tours included multiple humpback whales, playful white-beaked dolphins, and a stunning sunset.