
The Viðey ferry is currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!


Whale diary

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    Tour at 20:30

    Lovely weather out on the bay: The sea was mirror calm and the clouds and the sunset made brilliant colors out of everything. A truly beautiful tour. We started in Akurey where we saw quite many puffins. Then we sailed out to Faxaflói and about a half an hour later spotted t

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    Tour at 20:30

    With a windy harbor we left for Akurey Island, one of the two puffin colonies.  After spending a few moments with our friends there we headed out into the NON-windy bay.  There was a slight swell but the weather was amazing out in the bay.  We started seeing flocks of feedin

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    Tour at 20:30

    The see was flat and the weather very good. We spotted a group of White Beaked Dolphins, probably 10 of them together swimming around the boat. Then we went further out and spotted few Minke Whales which were travelling from one place to another. The light on this tour was s

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    Tour at 20:30

    We started by visiting Puffin Island (Akurey) and all the Puffins were home, they were everywhere. We then went out into Faxaflói we went here there and everywhere in search of the elusive Minke Whale. We heard rumors they were in the bay. Obviously they were all on stealth

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    Tour at 20:30



    Tour at 17:00

    This afternoon we went first to Akurey to see the Puffins and then we headed out. We went straight to the same area as we had been in during the other tours. Again there were so many birds in that area, Fulmars, Arctic Terns, Kit

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    ALL TOURS have been cancelled due to strong wind out at sea.

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    Tour at 20:30

    With a stiff wind and a cautious Captain, we headed straight out into Faxaflói Bay, heading north towards all of the action on the previous tours.  The Bay was full of birds, 10's of thousands of birds everywhere.  Surely there was bound to be whales and soon we found oursel

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    Tour at 20.30

    It was quite overcast but the sea was calm. We sailed straight out into Faxaflói and once again the Minkes were very close. We stayed near the coast for a long time watching the Minke Whales surface feeding. There were about 5 small clusters of feeding birds in this area whe

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    Tour at 20:30

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    Tour at 17:00

    This time we went straight out into the bay and looked for Whales. The weather changed a bit and was raining and really foggy out at the bay. We spotted two Minke Whales but we always lost them when they went for a deeper dive. So

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    Tour at 20:30

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    Tour at 17:00

    The weather was really good for our last tour. We had a beautiful few other the mountains and Snæfellsjökull. The sea was really calm. Perfect whale watching conditions. We headed straight out and soon spotted our first Minke Whale

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    Tour at 20.30

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    Tour at 17:00 We went straight out into the bay and started to look for whales. We spotted a Minke whale really quickly and stayed with him a long time. He was so nice and surfaced really slowly. He came so close to the boat and we still saw him under

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    Tour at 20:30



    Tour at 17:00

    The wind seemed to have picked up a little but only really noticeable when you headed into it. We headed straight out into Faxaflói for this tour and after sailing offshore for about 20-30 minutes the captain spotted a blow about

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    Tour at 20:30

    This evening we had a very cosy trip, all enjoying a hot drink of some sort.  Our trip began at Akurey, one of the puffin colonies.  Since it was high tide, we were able to get very close to them.  After this we headed out in Faxaflói Bay first spotting a couple of Minke wha

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    Tour at 20:30

    We began our trip with our usual stop at Akurey (Puffin Island) where we saw thousands of puffins.  There were so many the Captain decided to stay a little longer and explore the north end of the island where we saw many groups of puffins hanging out together. It was a very

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    Tour at 20:30

    The weather was beautiful this evening when we started our tour out in puffin island Akurey. There weren't many birds in the island but when we came out on the bay we saw a lot of puffins and other seabirds feeding in flocks. It didn't take long before we saw our first Minke

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    Tour at 20:30

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    Tour at 17:00

    The wind had picked up a little bit when we headed out to Faxaflói bay, the third time today. The Minke Whales were still in the same area, feeding. Many of them were lunge feeding. It is when the animal lunges its body toward

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    Tour at 20:30

    Once again we started the tour by visiting Akurey and there must of been the full 10-15 thousand birds that breed on the island every summer. All sitting on the water near the Island and clusters of then on the near rocks. Really wonderful to see so many. On the way to the w

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    Tour at 20:30

    We began our evening trip at Akurey, one of the two puffin colonies where we saw many puffins, both on the island and flying around us.  Then sailing out into Faxafloi Bay under a light rain, very little wind and a flat calm sea, it was not long until we spotted a large pod

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    Tour at 20:30

    The Puffin island Akurey was our first stop this evening. Then Faxaflói bay. It took us a very long time to find the first whale. It was a group of Harbour porpoises. They surfaced two times before disappearing, and the second group also. It looked like the Porpoises were no

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    Tour at 20:30

    We set off this evening and began looking for the whales. When dealing with wild nature we sometimes have to be really patient, and that's what our passengers were this evening. We had been sailing for an hour and a half before we spotted the first Minke whale. We came to a