Whale diary

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    Tour at 13:00

    At the same area like this morning we saw many diving gannets. And like the last few weeks we spotted there harbour porpoises. They were a bit difficult to spot today. While waiting for the porpoises we suddenly saw some splashes in the distance. We sailed there and found a

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    Tour at 13:00

    On this tour we were not very lucky. We soon spotted a group of Harbour porpoises, quite nice, but then we sailed around for a long time with no whales. At the end we saw two Minke whales but did not get close enough for all our passengers to see them. Since we are doing thi

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    Tour at 13:00

    Again we headed out and the weather was even worse. We were optimistic though, because we had such a nice trip in the morning. We headed back to the same area and again found the gannets feeding all around. It's quite spectacular to watch these elegant birds diving down in t

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    Tour at 13:00

    Tour cancelled due to worsening weather conditions.


    Tour at 9:00

    Unfortunately we weren't able to spot any whales on this trip, the sea was very rough and getting rougher!

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    Tour at 13:00

    Tour cancelled due to bad weather


    Tour at 9:00

    Tour cancelled due to bad weather

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    Tour at 13:00

    Tour cancelled due to bad weather.


    Tour at 9:00

    It was a very rough today but there were still some brave people who joined us on this tour. We were quite lucky and spotted many, many harobur porpoises. They fed at the same area like all the gannets.

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    Tour at 13:00

    Report from Elding: The sea was still a little bit rough and the wind was picking up. We headed back to the same area where we were earlier and found some feeding Gannets. We spotted a Minke whale in the distance and sailed towards it but when we got close it was nowhere to

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    Tour at 13:00

    The weather was a little better, it wasn't raining quite as much, but it was quite foggy out on the bay. In spite of quite low visibility we spotted a really nice group of harbour porpoises which we followed for a while. The were just beneath a group of Gannets that were fee

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    Tour at 13:00

    Again we set off, prepared for worsening weather, but it stayed pretty similar to the trip this morning. We set off to the same area and found the Minke whales again. This time some we were even able to spot a Minke whale lunge feeding at the surface. Lunge feeding is when t

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    Tour at 13:00

    The wind had picked up a bit since this morning and it started raining, too. At the same area like in the morning we found the minke whales again. They made it a bit more difficult for us this time. They liked to dive rather a longer time and stayed mostly it bit further awa

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    Tour at 13:00

    The whales moved again further out and we had to search for a longer time. But we got rewarded by the sightings of many feeding minke whales!!! We spotted whales wherever we looked and we spent much time just sailing slowly around from minke whale to minke whale. It was not

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    Tour at 13:00

    We set off towards a similar area where we were this morning, but on the way suddenly a group of harbour porpoises just popped up in front of the boat, just 20m away. We spotted them a couple of times but they soon disappeared. We headed on further and came to the area where

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    Tour at 13:00

    Again we headed out with some nice weather. We found a group of white-beaked dolphins which swam towards us and it seemed that they swam underneath the boat. We weren't able to spot them again, as we were distracted when a Minke whale showed up quite unexpectedly! We were ab

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    Tour at 13:00

    Report from Elding: What a surprise! We spotted a minke whale quite early! It liked to dive a rather longer time but we were patient and got to see it several times. It was feeding at the bottom and stayed always in the same area so we could easily spot it when it came up to

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    Tour at 13:00

    The whales were still in a teasing mood! Like this morning our passengers had to be very patience. The whales stayed again very far out in Faxaflói bay. But our there we spotted a group of white-beaked dolphins. And what a surprise! There were two mothers with their calves.

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    Tour at 13:00

    Shortly after we left the harbour we found a small group of white beaked dolphins. They where not in a whale watching mood so we vent on, only to stop again with some groups of harbour porpoises They where quite nice, coming towards us more then once and swimming close to th

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    Tour at 13:00

    Another lovely trip with a nice calm sea. We headed towards the same area as we were before and again passed through this area where there were lots and lots of Harbour porpoises. We then sailed a bit further and again found a lot of Minke whales, probably 10-20 in one area.

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    Tour at 13:00

    Again we sailed out with a nice calm sea. We found the Harbour porpoises in the same area as this morning and had a look at them for a while. We then headed on a bit further and again, spotted some white-beaked dolphins jumping in the distance. As we approached they stopped

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    Tour at 13:00

    The whales weren't in such good mood this afternoon and made it rather difficult for us. Right in the beginning we spotted some really nice harbour porpoises. Then we spent much time searching for minke whales. We spotted some but could never get really close to them. Just a

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    Tour at 17:00

    Again we left from the harbour of Grindavík. We headed straight out to the area were we spotted the humpback whale on the 13:00 tour and started searching. We searched and searched for a long time and covered a large area, but unfortunately the humpback whale was nowhere to