Sunday, 29 December 2024

Sunday, 29 December 2024



Report from Eldey and Hafsúlan: The Sun is shining a lot today, we have a beautiful day of whale watching ahead of us! About 15 minutes into the tour, all the whale-watching boats were going one way but we decided to go elsewhere to find a humpback whale! This individual's name is Flak, a known whale to us since 2022. While we saw it come up for air we could its body moving on the surface to show us it's a fluke! A great sight to see on such a gorgeous day. We saw it do it again another 3 or 4 times and then we went in search of more, and soon enough another, and another aaaand another blow was seen! In a short amount of time and space we stumbled upon another 3 humpback whales that were quite busy feeding on the sprat that still is around the islands of Reykjavík. While we were with the gentle giants, small heads would appear occasionally, and there were about 4 harbour seals! We were alone most of the time with one whale which made the tour very calm and relaxed. While the sun disappeared on the horizon we decided to return to the harbour!

- Pedro Teixeira and Rob Hyman

Bird species seen today include:

Northern fulmar, great black-backed gull, lesser black-backed gull, icelandic gull, glaucous gull, great cormorant (and juveniles), red-breasted merganser, razorbill, common eider