

IceWhale -promoting memorable and responsible encounters with cetacean

IceWhale, the Icelandic Association of Whale Watchers, is a non profit organization formed by Icelandic whale watching operators in 2003. The aim of the association is to assess the most effective methods of helping the industry grow in a manner that expands economic opportunities and contributes to the conservation of whales.

Some of IceWhale’s key tasks have been to promote responsible whale watching, support research on whales around Iceland and creating sanctuaries for whales in the whale watching areas as a safe haven from whaling.

Learn more about IceWhale.


Hvalaskoðun við strendur Íslands hefur orðið sífellt vinsælli frá árinu 1990 og er í dag ein vinsælasta afþreyingin innan ferðaþjónustunnar. Með aukinni bátaumferð aukast einnig áhyggjur af neikvæðum áhrifum umferðarinnar á dýralífið, bæði hér á Íslandi en einnig á öðrum hvalaskoðunarsvæðum í heiminum. 

code of conduct - approaching whales
Elding is a founding member of IceWhale and played a key role in developing Iceland’s Code of Conduct for Responsible Whale Watching in 2015. With no legal restrictions on whale watching in Iceland, we felt it was important to set these guidelines to minimize disturbance and ensure respectful interactions with wildlife. We cooperate with other operators in our region and advocate for better industry-wide regulations to protect marine life for the future.