Saturday, 28 December 2024
Report from Hafuslan and Eldey: The sun was finally out as we set off today excited to find more whales. Hafsulan set off first and very quickly spotted a blow from the first humpback whale. This was the first of 3-4 during the trip along with a grey and harbour seal. The whales were very spread out meaning we got to see them each individually. One was by far the most active as we saw it breach twice before loads of pec slaps too!! This was incredible for everyone on Hafsulan to see! We then carried on to watch the other whales and had a great time enjoying the cold and sun. Then we both heading back to the harbour full of very happy boats.
- Rob Hyman and Mariana Veloso
Bird species encountered today include:
Eider duck, black guillemot, European shag, Great cormorant, glaucous gull, Iceland gull, black headed gull, black legged kittiwake