Tuesday, 3 December 2024
Whale watching tour is on schedule today from Reykjavík! Remember to dress according to weather and feel free to borrow our thermal overalls if needed!
Report from Eldey: This afternoon we had calm seas and little winds waiting for us after the snowstorm the day before! With the decks cleared from ice we sailed towards Videyjarflak and only 13min after sailing already spotted a blow! Today the sky was slightly gloomy so seeing the light blows against the dark background made it easy. We got close and saw this humpback whale feeding around us. It was quite quick with its direction changes and at one moment came towards us, swimming past our starboard side very closely! We didnt want to overstay our welcome so when aother boat came closer we decided to head further out. We sailed towards the whale-fjord and then spotted another humpback! This one came over closer than the first basically swimming and tail-slapping under the bow! We then started our home journey but stopped one last time to see a third humpback! This one was a little bit calmer and potentially resting amd after a few moments together we headed back to harbour.
- Anna Richter
If you're a first time whale watcher it is perfectly normal that you don't exactly know what to look for, but you should know that whale watching with Elding is a team effort and everyone on board is encouraged to help out. There are a few tips and tricks that can help you identify signs of whales and dolphins from a distance, and a few things to keep in mind when venturing out into open seas.
Ísland er frábær áfangastaður fyrir bæði hvalaskoðun og fuglaskoðun. Ferðirnar okkar einblína aðallega á sunnanverðan Faxaflóa, rétt utan við Reykjavík. Hafstraumar flóans skapa góðar aðstæður fyrir ýmsar fæðutegundir og langvarandi sólarljós á sumrin veitir smágerðu svifi rétt umhverfi sem skapar fjölbreytni í flóanum. Áhöfnin vinnur náið saman með farþegum við að koma auga á dýralífið sem gerir hverja ferð spennandi og einstaka.
Humpback whales have for long captivated humans due to their complexity, making them one of the most studied cetaceans in our world's oceans. Their intelligence, social behaviours and diverse surface activities have gained significant interest of researchers around the world. They exhibit a rich array of fascinating behaviours, contributing to our understanding of their intricate social structures and ecological roles in the marine ecosystem.
bird species encountered during this trip:
eider duck, herring gull, glaucous gull, great cormorant, European shag, black back gull, black guillemot