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Thursday, 29 March 2012

Tour at 13:00

After three days of cancellation due to rough sea it was great to back out on the water. The weather was not the best as the drizzle reduced the visibility but that didn't stop us from seeing 3 species of cetaceans on this tour. The first species was a pod of 6-8 Harbour Porpoises (the smallest cetacean around Iceland measuring just 1.5 - 2m long) which we stayed with for a while as the played in the swells of the sea around the boat. Usually they are shy and elusive so it was fantastic to watch them for a while. The next species was a pod of 3-5 White-beaked Dolphins which were resting and socialising, and just being busy doing their own thing which was fascinating to watch wildlife at its best. The third species was a Minke Whale that we got word of by another whale watching vessel in the area. We got there and saw it surface a couple of times before it went on a deep dive and not seen again. Great Whale Watching Tour in not the best of weather but then again anyone can watch whales in tropical climates but it takes a certain person to watch them in the North Atlantic in Winter - Early Spring. :) Great day