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Saturday, 31 March 2012

Tour at 13:00

Well the Spring is here and love is in the air especially for the White-beaked Dolphins when they form super pods to mate and socialise. We first got word from another whale watching vessel of a small pod of White-beaked Dolphins which we went to have a look at for a short while before we headed to another smaller pod of dolphins in the distance. These were great as they swam around the boat and allowed the passengers to get a great look at the beautiful patterns they have on their bodies. As the passengers where enjoying the dolphins i used this opportunity to look in my binoculars for other cetaceans in the area. Suddenly I could see some splashes in the distance and by the frequency of these splashes it had to be more Dolphins so we went to have a look at these to. As we got closer to this pod we noticed more in the distance and before long we had White-beaked Dolphins as far as the eye could see. At least 500 to 1000 of them feeding, socialising, playing in the waves our boat was making. It was absolutely incredible. White-beaked Dolphins Everywhere. We went further out in the hope to spot a Minke Whale but unfortunately none were out there to be found so we headed back towards land and found some more small pods of dolphins on the way. An amazing dolphin watching day.