
Vegna framkvæmda á landgangi í Viðey hefur öllum brottförum verið aflýst. Siglingar hefjast aftur þegar framkvæmdum lýkur!


Saturday, 10 September 2011

Tour at 13:00

The wind picked a bit up when we headed out again but it was still sunny. It took us a while to find the first Minke Whale but when we founded we could follow it for some time and the whale came quite close to the boat. Then we headed far out but we head no luck there, so we headed back but at the end of our tour we spotted the White Beaked Dolphins. It was really nice to follow these playful animals and see them surfacing really close to the boat. On our way back even a Minke Whale crossed our path again. Nice tour!


Tour at 09:00

It was really nice and sunny weather when we headed out to our morning tour. When we reached the whale watching area we spotted one Minke Whale first. Later on we found a few more Minke Whales, some Harbour Porpoises and even some White Beaked Dolphins. All together three whale species we spotted this morning. The dolphins came really close to the boat just 2 meters away and we could see them diving under the surface. Also some of the Minke Whales we spotted came amazingly close; one was just 5 meters away from us. It was a great, great morning tour!