
Vegna framkvæmda á landgangi í Viðey hefur öllum brottförum verið aflýst. Siglingar hefjast aftur þegar framkvæmdum lýkur!


Sunday, 11 September 2011

Tour at 13:00

Again we sailed out in a beautiful weather and pretty calm sea. It took us a long time until we spotted something, we got news from another boat about white beaked dolphins, and soon after that we spotted them. They swam around the boat 7 of them at least together very playful and fun. We than decided to leave them behind because there were to many boats around them. We sailed on and after a while we spotted a blow in the distance from a minke whale, we were going to head over there when we spotted some harbour porpoises, they were very nice and easy to spot. But we lost the minke whale and the time was up so we had to get back to harbour. Overall a very nice tour.


Tour at 09:00

We sailed out in a beautiful sunny and calm weather, It didn't take us long until we spotted our first whales the harbour porpoises, they were surfacing very close to the boat and shining in the sun, we stayed with them for a while until we decided to look for something else, we turned the boat and up popped a minke whale only 10 meters away from the boat, very surprising and amazing. It surfaced we times before disappearing. So we kept on going, we found another minke whale and it surfaced also once very close to the boat and than it was gone, but after few minutes we spotted some splashes in the distance, breaching white beaked dolphins! They were lot of fun, surfaced around the boat for us to enjoy them. Great tour with 3 species :)