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Friday, 13 June 2014

Tour at 17:00

Report from Hafsúlan: by far the best tour on this boat today. It did take us around two hours to find a Minke Whale but once we finally did, while we were tracing a blow in a distance, it was an awesome one and well worth the time it took to find it. Then on the way back to Reykjavik we encountered a further two Minkes that surfaced very close to each other so all in all 3 Minkes on this tour on which the wind was also much less than on the others.

- Baldur Thorvaldsson

Tour at 14:00

Report from Elding: We sailed towards the area were the other tours went to this morning but as we got there we could see that the life had slowed down and although 1 Minke whale was spotted in the distance, we werent able to see it again. We decided to head to another area and after some time sailing we saw big white splashes in the distance. As we got closer we could see that it was a breaching Minke whale! We were about 800 meters away from the animal so we could see the whole body of the whale but as we headed closer the whale stopped jumping and disappeared. As we kept on searching we found a flock of  feeding birds and as we scanned the area around them a minke whale surfaced! We could see that the animal was probably feeding as the birds were diving down in the area that the minke surfaced in. We saw the minke surface about 4-6 times and got a good look at it before we had to head back to the harbour. Wild life can sure be surprising and unpredictable.- Freydís ÓskTour at 13:00

Report from Hafsúlan: Another windy tour, which we started by following some blows but they were in a considerable distance so we doubted that we could get to them in time. But then we had a Minke Whale surfacing three times. Towards the end, we had two Minke Whales surfacing seperately close to us, including one time between us and another whale-watching boat. Lastly we saw the shaddows of some Harbour Porpoises next to the boat but they vanished almost on the double.

- Baldur Thorvaldsson

Tour at 10:00Report from Elding: The wind was quite strong this morning and there were some waves but still the ride wasn't to uncomfortable. When we got to the area were some animals had been spotted we saw two Minke whales surface at once, but they only showed up once before they disappeared. We searched the area very carefully but no animals were spotted. As we sailed further we spotted a pof of 3-5 Harbour porpoises that we got a good look at as they were surfing the waves. We kept on searching but with out any luck. As our time ran out we headed back to the harbour. We decided to give all of our passengers complementary tickets because of little as no sightings. With these complementary tickets they are able to join another whale watching tour for free in the next two years!We hope that we will see them again in a tour with a little bit better luck. - Freydís Ósk

Tour at 09:00

Report from Hafsúlan: A somewhat difficult tour due to strong wind. Sightings started by seeing a powerful blow from a Minke Whale as it was swimming against the wind, however the whale itself was only seen once. Then we suddenly had 2 White-beaked Dolphins coming towards us very close, however they were only seen once or twice and then vanished, presumably they were from the same pod as Elding II had seen some distance away where they were sea-angling. Towards the end we stopped by two large flocks of feeding seabirds but there was just a Minke Whale in one of them and it was only seen once. The final sighting was of a pod of something like 10 Harbour Porpoises but they too vanished quickly.

- Baldur Thorvaldsson

Birds seen on todays tours include: Fulmars, Nothern Gannets, Guillemots, Razorbills, Kittiwakes, Arctic terns, Puffins, Manx shearwaters, Black-backed gull, Storm petrel, Eider-ducks & Shags