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Friday, 2 May 2014

Tour at 13:00

Report from Hafsúlan: The weather had lightened over the afternoon. Here and there the sun came out to play as the vessel headed out to Flaxaflói Bay. In comparison to the morning many flocks of seabirds had started forming, extensively feeding at the surface. Following those birds was a great idea as we soon encountered our first 2-5 strong pod of Harbour Porpoises. Further in the bay we then spotted a Minke Whale just a couple of 100 meters away. Following the individual, we had several great and close-up whale encounters. However, as it was persuinig food, it changed its course quite frequently. In between we had some more great and interactive moments with the local 5-10 Harbour Porpoises, which seemed to enjoy a bit of swell and bow riding. After the Minke Whale became more elusive and hard to follow, the vessel soon returned to the Harbour.

Megan and Dominik

Tour at 9:00

Report from Hafsúlan: Thick layers of grey clouds and light rain accompanied our boat on our way out into the Bay in front of Reykjavik. Soon, however, blue skies and the sun broke though inbetween the clouds. An apparent lack of food in the bay this morning made bird flocks a rare sight, thus giving the captain and crew little to work with to find cetaceans. Nevertheless, 10-20 Harbour Porpoises popped up on either site of the vessel intermittently throughout the tour. Already on our way back, we spotted a Minke Whale surface 40-50m from our boat and surfaced 4 times more. However, the individual, we identified as 'Peanut', took long dives. It seemed rather in a travel than in a whale watching mood. Closer to the harbour 2-3 more Minke Whales showed itself randomly to either side of the vessel.

Megan and Dominik

Birds seen on todays tour include: Northern Gannets, Atlantic Puffins, Northern Fulmars, Arctic Skua, Common Guillemots, Razorbills, Kittiwakes, Brent Geese, Great Skua, Eider Ducks, Cormorants, Black-backed Gulls.