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Thursday, 15 May 2014

Tour at 17:00

Report from Hafsúlan: Today was our first 5 o´clock scheduled tour of the season and the wind and waves calmed down. We headed out towards Keflavik looking back at snowy mountaintops, Reykjavik in the sunshine and two rainbows over the beautiful landscape. Some fulmars, gannets, terns and puffins followed us part of the trip, while we were navigating in the golden light under some circular clouds. Our attentive passengers spotted the first Minke Whale which didn´t seem to like to be close to us and sneaked away. But a bit later on, there appeared a second Minke giving all passenger the chance to have a good look at the slowly travelling whale, continuously heading into the sun surfacing frequently. When our time was up we turned around letting the Minke continuing his journey. Making our way back to the harbour listening to some music, helping the chilled people move to the sound to warm up.

-Megan and Carine

Tour at 13:00

Report from Hafsúlan: The wind had picked up a liitle more during this tour and almost all made use of our free overalls to keep warm. Mainly cloudy but on  the way the sun came out and warmed our backs. The whales were very difficult this afternoon, one glimpse of a small pod of 3 White-beaked Dolphins, travelling fast. Then on the way home another quick encounter of a pair of Minke Whales travelling together but very tricky to show our passengers. They were there but not in the mood to be watched. The main attraction was the beautiful landscape and many seabirds especially the puffins, gannets, terns and skuas.

-Megan and Carine

Tour at 09:00

Report from Hafsúlan: We went out under a completely overcast sky of dark clouds which looked like we might get wet, but we didn't. Most of the passengers dealt quite well with the swell and enjoyed the cool wind on the top deck in the Elding-Overalls having a close look at the fulmars watching us. A part from the fulmars we were observing different species of seabirds like puffins, gannets, terns and skuas which lead us to the Minke Whales in two different areas. Both changing direction often, accompanied by birds which looked be foraging.

-Megan and Carine

Birds seen on today´s tours include: Atlantic Puffin, Northern Gannet, Common Guillemot, Kittiwake, Northerm Fulmar, Arctic Skua, Arctic Tern, Black-Backed Gull.